Showing posts with label I AM HOPE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I AM HOPE. Show all posts

Send Help to PGH Today

Sunday, May 16, 2021

I couldn't sleep last night as fire broke in the Philippine General Hospital in Manila. When the fire was put out, patients were out of the upper floors and some of the babies were temporarily sheltered in the hospital's chapel away from the smoke and debris that could put them in harms way. 

Ms Rina Navarro, the CEO of Unfiltered Skin Essentials and co-founders of I AM HOPE, an NGO, with Bea Alonzo and Ms. Vina Morales responded as they saw the pedia and new born sections have been greatly affected. They hurried onsite, brought diapers, milk, snacks, drinking water, juices and electric fans so they could help and sent it directly to PGH Pedia resident Dr. TJ Ablaza. Some of her friends are also chipping in and anonymously donating 20 more fans, 100 blankets, 50 more diapers and more boxes of potable water. 

If you would want to help, you can course it through I AM HOPE and their Facebook page or through contact details here. The kids and patients of PGH need our help and they hope to see more people doing the same til they all get back on their feet and resume normal operations in the public hospital. Bless their hearts for doing this!