Showing posts with label Internet of Things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet of Things. Show all posts

Taiwan Excellence Showcases Best To Inspire Philippines

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Taiwan Excellence just concluded their presentation at the ASIA IOT Business Platform conference at the Mariott Hotel in Manila, Philippines.

Taiwan has been regarded as a leader in the ICT sector, proudly serving the global companies (Apple, Google, Microsoft) and their supply chains for years now. In Telco, retail, business, industries, even AI and IoT, they’ve practically done it all and places a significant part in production of the world's best tech devices. Wireless or otherwise.

Clement Chen the Director of TECO in Manila says “We invited companies to briefly introduce what Taiwan Excellence is all about as authorized by the ministry of Taiwan. We bring only the cream of the crop, seeing this seal only means that. Thank you for gracing our presentation.”

Mr. Wen Chung Chan the Director of the Economic Division of TECO in Manila says “The Philippines is one of the largest population and is continually growing. The need for greener and more climate healthy cities is also increasing and Taiwan fits to inspire the Philippines in industrial development. The AI sector in Taiwan has been highly recognized and the Taiwanese companies offer innovation and ideas for future solutions. We want to also introduce brands that have our seal, successful in their own right and has passed strict standards to be able to hold that.

IOT Lighting Solutions

Accton Technology Corporation’s Arnold Dimayuga says “We are in the ODM manufacturing and design industry based in Taiwan and has offices in China. We have wireless solutions, power over ethernet, management and even a smart lighting control system which are cloud based. You may check for more information.

Smart Storage Solutions

Apacer Technology Inc’s Mike Wang says “It is our first time to be here, we are very glad to participate this year. We have subsidiaries around the world and function as a digital storage brand. We have consumer products in Japan, China, Netherlands and the US. We also have a 24/7 delivery service for industrial solutions mainly for industrial storage, do hardware and firmware design, around 240 patent applications, write our own source codes, deliver flash memory modules like SSD, Sata, USB, etc. Our software also provides solutions for extreme environments, data security. We also have tons of partners who have been with us for a number of years including providing solutions for offshore rigs. We currently are the 8th largest provider of SSD’s in the world and number one in industrial applications.”


Aver Information Inc’s Raver Jocson says “We are a global communication and audio visual technology company. In this age of technology, meetings and collaborations are not the same. Teleconference, audio issues, we all had problems with that before, we still experience that. As systems integrators we want that not to happen so we partner with different providers and platforms to help make the most of your investments be future proof.”

Smart Factory Monitoring Solutions

Industrialization and automation technology is the name of the game with Joyce Yeh’s of ICP DAS. She discussed “Keys to Build Smart Factories and key data needs automation solutions. We apply machine, networking, energy management solutions so your production costs go down. We also have sensing solutions, recording systems in food factories, smart farming, breeding and food processing. We also build Smart Control Centers so you can manage these well. We also have IoT Cloud Software for private and public cloud, sensor data import analysis, so you can look at information real time. We also can integrate with mobile applications in our cloud solutions. You may look up the ICP DAS website for more information. They supply hardware and software solutions, and have local partners to operate and analyze it.

The Transport Sector

Senior Product Vice President Don Yu introduced IEI Integration, a company based in Taiwan. They have been in the industry since 1997. They work in aerospace and military industries, includes 3200 employees all over the world and plans to do more work in AI. From consumer retail, Health, everything around us, the have experience in providing adept solutions and use Intel technologies. They also have IEI AI Inference Solutions and apply this on Smart Transportation technologies as well. They also use AI for Smart City solutions and City Surveillance, making it easier to manage communities using proprietary technologies. They not only capture data, they also can modify AI solutions (even facial recognition) and integrate it in some existing software and solutions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and if you’re raring to avail these services or technologies, you can identify it with the Taiwan Excellence seal so you’re sure to get only the best. Hopefully the Philippines gets inspired with what they’ve done, we just can’t be left behind.