Showing posts with label Jett Pangan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jett Pangan. Show all posts

The Search for the Sound of Seven Thousand Christmas Songs

Sunday, October 25, 2020

LA, Gretchen and Iman. Photo from Gretchen Ho's FB page.

It was an awesome night of music as the people from up and coming music label 7K showcased their talents and introduced a new show called “The Search for the Sound of Seven Thousand Christmas Songs.” They're no stranger to making music but doing this so they would be able to discover more talent and good Christmas music in the country is such a noble act.

For those who don't know, “The Search for the Sound of Seven Thousand Christmas Songs" is an online reality show in the search for talent and music that embodies how hopeful we are as Filipinos in this time of pandemic. Last October 16, we have had the chance to listen to legendary Jett Pangan (whom I listen to when I was a kid) and Gretchen Ho who gave much inspiration to us, the artists who plan to join and the other talents of 7K who were there that evening.

7K Sounds founder and artist LA Santos will be hosting the show together with Gretchen Ho and vlogger Iman Franchesca. They will also be joined by singer-songwriter and former frontwoman of General Luna Nicole Asensio. They will be also sharing their experiences so viewers, not just contestants, would be able to learn a thing or two about the music industry. The show ill be aired every Friday at 7PM on the official 7K Sounds Facebook Page. So if you are looking for a avenue to get into the music scene, “The Search for the Sound of Seven Thousand Christmas Songs" might be a good place to start.

The music label 7K Sounds wishes to get talent from across the country, they also do music production and distribution. They also ventured into creating online content and events, if you're interested in joining the competition, they listed the requirements here.

Good luck, and don't f it up!


Behind The Scenes Shots from GMA's "Hahamakin Ang Lahat"

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

You've seen the pilot episode yesterday and now it's time to release some of the behind the scene photos of  "Hahamakin ang Lahat" GMA's newest afternoon prime show. It starts at 3:30PM and ends 30-45 minutes after. The show also includes some really great actors, like Snooky Serna, rockstar Marc Abaya.

This is also Eula Valdez' comeback to GMA Network's stable. Plus there are some new kids that came from other GMA shows too.

This is also my favorite loveteam's return to the boob tube, Joyce Ching and Kristoffer Martin or what we call KrisJoy. Fans would love them all over again!

There's going to be small things in between, small things that people will find romantic, and a bit of melodrama. 

Or even some things that are funny, crazy, because these two know how to make magic on screen.

And you can't miss the kissing scenes. Because they can.

And they might fall apart too. So you must follow the story.

Jett Pangan will also be there. Will he be in a relationship mishap too? We have to see that.

This is also Ariel Rivera's comeback to GMA's shows. He's going to make your eyes water, like he's always had in shows before. The man has got that settled.

You should watch.


For more information about their artists:
Official GMA Artist Center
Official GMA Artist Center
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Visit their official website

"Never Odd or Even" Opens April 11 at The Pocket Universe Gallery

Monday, April 09, 2012

Photography is an ARTFORM and it really has transcended leaps and bounds from using just simple mediums as a Camera and film. I have attended an IPHONEOGRAPHY Workshop a couple of weeks back and met this wonderful artist named Sancho. PluralPunk's a musician/record producer who's worked with the likes of Sugarfree, Imago, Sandwich and Loquy. He's collaborated with some of the noted artists music industry and he's got some of his artwork to be displayed at The Pocket Universe Gallery at San Antonio Village, Makati.  It's gonna be on Wednesday April 11 at 8PM and will run until May 12, 2012.

The exhibit is entitled "Never Odd or Even" and the medium in this case is pretty unconventional.

DOGMA - I AM A GOD by PluralPunk

DR. AWKWARD by PluralPunk

These are just samples of what he could do in iPHONEOGRAPHY. Yes you heard that right, the medium he used for these two pieces is the IPHONE 4S with some minor editing done straight from the phone. Just imagine how he was able to mix and capture modern art, architectural figures and movement in these photos. Truly mind blowing if you ask me. So make sure you try and visit this one of a kind exhibit. That's Never Odd or Even, Symmetric Faux-tography by PluralPunk at The Pocket Universe Gallery from April 11 to May 12, 2012.

Opening Night will be on April 11, that's this Wednesday at 8pm. Guest performances by popular bands Loquy, Sandwich, Sundownmuse, Malay and The Joshua. There will also be some tribute performances by "Four-a U2" band with Philippine Rock legends Jett Pangan, Raymund Marasigan, Buddy Zabala and the main man himself Sancho.

For particulars please visit The Pocket Universe Gallery at the 2nd Floor of saGuijo CafĂ© + Bar, 7612 Guijo St., San Antonio Village, Makati City. 


For more information 

Please Contact +63 929 842 40 55
or email

Or Like them on Facebook!

The Pocket Universe Art Collective
