Showing posts with label Joem Bascon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joem Bascon. Show all posts

Heartwarming Storyline: Write About Love to Impress at MMFF

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Missed this event but we had our compadre Jim of cover for us at the premiere night of Write About Love, a supposed romcom film produced by TBA Studios as entry to the Metro Manila Film Festival. Unbeknownst to those who have not watched it yet (of course including you as it's gonna be shown Christmas Day) the film is about two writers bound to clash creatively as one is rooted in making indie and the other is more mainstream films.

TBA Studios shot this a few months back, but the movie has transcened from being solely a good story. Albeit this is Director Crisanto B Aquino's directorial debut, he managed to put out inordinate conflict between the writers and squeeze in a considerable amount of affairs for the heart despite being attached to different parties. It likens the heartfelt fascination between their minds as they take directions in interpretation, though one asks, how did they get to spark interest after that?

The story borders mainstream and indie too, which hell approaches in telling an inception love story. #WriteAboutLove isn’t a typical romance film that would go the lengths of introducing a boy to a girl, in awkward situations, no love at first sight because they took time to grow on you. It makes you think of your own perception of love. It makes you question what love is — the kind that's not limited to romanticism, of terms of endearment and labels. The movie takes the path of cracking sick in making decisions — either good or bad. It makes you decide on what kind of story you put out there, and involve your own life. As funny as it sounds, we invest ourselves in work and relationships.

Write About Love is unconventional, it stands out from the run of the mill formulas they usually do. The film is not at all cheesy, but it puts tiny moments that are cute, heartwarming and captivating. Kudos to several iconic lines they delivered as expected with experienced actors like Joem Bascon and Rocco Nacino. Likewise with Miles Ocampo and a tad different Yeng Constantino. They also equipped it with an ambrosial musical score (by THE Jerrold Tarog), and be assured you'll cry a few times in 4 scenes. They delivered them all subtly and effectively.

You will see Rocco Nacino’s best performance to date, even if they're a new pairing, he didn't get awkward with Miles at all. He deserves a huge part on the back for riding his bike from his DOTS shoot, and back after the Premiere Night. Talk about dedication no? Joem Bascon is also on a league of his own, he didn't shortchange his role at all.

It would be a good film to watch this Christmas, especially for those who have weird and unconventional relationships. Write About Love is part of #MMFF2019, take a moment to get this as part of your list when theaters open this Christmas day!


Red Carpet Scenes: The Annulment Premiere Night

Monday, November 11, 2019

Looks like Regal Entertainment is putting their bets on a little more mature movie this time with Lovi Poe and Joem Bascom, both great actors in a film called The Annulment. Timely, yes, because there have been a lot of talk about divorce and the politics of it. When you're in a toxic relationship, when you're not happy, or just plain giving up on a futile union, it is a choice, would you rather stay? Or just quit?

Well, let's just say Gari (Lovi Poe) and Sherwin (Joem) are having a circus in the movie. One, tries to be blind, the other does it, gets caught in the act, then everything falls. Direk Mac Alejandre attacked this quite slow, but the confrontation scenes are quite gold. You will get fun off the love scenes, the slaps, and hell hath no fury when a woman scorned.

The support ensemble is good, I like the situations and how the friends blend in the story. No matter how awkward the situation is.

Laura Lehmann and Von Pessumal

Myrtle Sarroza is going to be spicy, will she play a role that might shake up these two?

Ketchup Eusebio

Kenneth Paul Cruz

Janus del Prado

The movie will show starting November 13 in theaters nationwide! This is under Regal Entertainment. It's a quality film made with serious intentions, especially about saving relationships.

This is for mature audiences.


New Movie BINHI (The Seed) On Theaters May 20!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

We saw this movie a few days ago in Glorietta Cinemas upon invitation of Viva Entertainment Inc. It's called Binhi (The Seed) which stars Joem Bascon, Mercedes Cabral, Kariz Espinosa and Roxanne Barcelo. This is a horror film, very old school, stemming from a family's journey to find work, independence and old friendships from the charming Baguio City where this story is set. This is also directed by Pedring Lopez, a synnergy I guess by Troy Montero's post production company WeLovePost, BlackOps, MFT Group, Haunted Tower and Viva Films.

Joem and Mercedes plays husband and wife who got hooked up renting an enormous house that they got for cheap in a far flung place in Baguio City. Mercedes is also pregnant at that time and needed to take refuge here than in Manila for a simpler and quiet life. Things turn out to be a bit creepy when they started living there. She remained optimistic all throughout until they got to see a ghostly kid popping around the house, their dreams, their everyday lives. 

You have to watch this film and make sure you bring your friends, loved ones and see how old school executed pinoy horror flicks are done slightly with cool computer based effects. I must say, I thought I was going to be bored watching another Filipino film but no, this has really good content, story and will make you think about it in the end. I don't want to spoil it for you. Make sure you watch it on theaters come May 20, 2015. The kids were so creepy they even visited us during the premier night LOL!

If you're a little creeped out and if the photos at least sparked your interest, watch the film. It's okay to be frightened every once in a while, good for the heart. 

Fresh Blogs Fast


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