Showing posts with label Khalil Ramos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khalil Ramos. Show all posts

Sparkle Artists Shine at SIGNED FOR STARDOM 2023

Saturday, September 30, 2023

One of the most awaited events in the country happened at the GMA Studios a couple days ago. This is "Signed for Stardom 2023" hosted by GMA's Sparkle Artist Center, and we loved seeing those who have stayed and renewed ties with the Kapuso network and its affiliates. The contract signing event also included performances from the network's stars, singers, spiels from their host influencers and appearances from their homegrown character actors which we love seeing in their various series and shows on GMA.

All in all, there were over 48 artists who got singned again, plus a few who got renewed and retained their management contracts with Sparkle. The event was hosted by Martin Javier, Rain Matienzo and guests were welcomed by GMA Netowrk's very own Chairman and CEO Attorney Felipe L. Gozon.

In the event, young GMA stars Siena Stevens, Will Ashley, Bruce Roeland, Matthew Uy, Angel Leighton, AZ Martinez, Yvette Sanchez and Shuveee Etrata got on stage in their best gowns and suits. Seeing them doing good in different GMA shows, endorsements and projects just mean they're reaping the fruits of their labor, working hard especially in honing their talents with the premier talent management company.

From champion singers, international performers and PPOP sensations, GMA is home to the most talented singers this country has ever produced. Liana Castillo, John Rex, Timmy Albert, Vianna Ricafranca, powerful Hannah Precillas, Jessica Villarubin and Guam theater star Garrett Bolden plus XOXO's Riel, Mel, Lyra and Dani went up the stage and performed several hits LIVE at the event. It proved all the more that the Filipino is world class!

Host and Influencers who are going to be part of the various planned lifestyle shows on GMA include Janeena Chan, MH Ordinllano, Maureen Schrijvers, Asnley Yap and Mica Salamanca.

Signed talented actors like Martin Del Rosario, Ashley Rivera, Kristoffer Martin, Paul Salas, Ms. Amy Austria, Maricar de Mesa, Archie Alemania and Nadine Samonte also signed with Sparkle together with already established Sparkle artists Andrea Torres, Andre Paras, Arra San Agustin, Shaira Diaz, beauty queen Celeste Cortesi, Mike Tan, Rita Daniela, Rocco Nacino, Khalil Ramos, twins Mavy and Cassy Legaspi, plus Richard Yap, Paolo Contis, Lolong lead star Ruru Madrid and popular pair "BarDa's" Barbie Forteza and David Licauco also joined the signing activity.

This is just the start of even more things to come for Sparkle and their artists. The event was also witnessed by GMA Executives SVP Attorney Anette Gozon-Valdes, Sparkle's VP Joy Marcelo. Here's to more projects with the stars who appeared at this Signed for Stardom. and yes, until next year! Congratulations to everyone who got signed, we can't wait to see more!


Ashley Ortega and Khalil Ramos Talk About Professionalism On Screen and Real Relationships

Thursday, July 27, 2023


It's been a while since we talked to Khalil Ramos and Ashley Ortega. I interviewed them in different projects and yes, it's high time they get together in a project, and in this instance, it's Cinemalaya. Their entry this year is called "As If It's True", directed by John Rogers under the great folks of The IdeaFirst Company.

It's much of a Gen Z story where social media, content creation, influencer marketing is the name of the game. A relationship brews between Gemma Watson and James (a struggling musician). As Khalil mentions, it discusses relationships  and those that can be shown as real, or happening just for clout and exploitation.

This is certainly exciting for Ashley Ortega's career as she just came off the highly successful series "Hearts on Ice" which she did with Xian Lim. Though she feels a lot of pressure to do better, she's optimistic to do a project with Khalil since Gabbi and Ashley pretty much started in showbiz at the same time. They've been friends for a while which she feels would be advantageous for the things they would need to do in the film. There will be some sort of a romantic flick ingredient here ala "American Pie" but it'll be different, a little depressing at situations; quite different and will be in a Filipino setting. Here's our mediacon earlier on video, please, enjoy!

Khalil will also be starring in "Tick Tick Boom" under 9 Works Theatrical Production. This is his debut in theatre, and has been a learning experience for him because things are being done differently. He was matched with the role of Jon because of his very artistic vibe. Show happens August 5-27 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium - RCBC Theater. 

These are just some of the awesome achievements of Sparkle artists Khalil and Ashley, but I'm sure there will be more. If you already enjoyed their previous shows, movies and projects, it'll be a good thing to consume this new movie and theatre project from the two. I'm quite optimistic about what's happening with Ashley since this is pretty much, her second serving of a lead role. Khalil on the other hand has also been very busy with projects (and really thankful for it). When I asked about getting some negative opinions online, he also hopes his situation with Gabbi would be a good measure of what should happen when an actor has a real relationship while being paired with other actors on screen. Strictly professional.


SPARKLE with Sanya Lopez, Gabbi Garcia, Ysabel Ortega, Bianca Umali, Derrick Monasterio, Ruru Madrid, Miguel Tanfelix, Khalil Ramos and Mr. M

Friday, January 14, 2022

Spent the evening with some of GMA's brightest stars as they talk about the huge change that happened with GMA Artist Center, they now call it SPARKLE. This was launched during the Kapuso Countdown which is their annual new year's celebration. Today, Mr. M chose a handful of them so we could get to know them more.

Sanya Lopez says "Of course when Sparkle leveled up, I'm more excited to also level up our talents. The name might have changed, but we continue to grow, they will be there to guide us all. It's a little nerve wracking, but I hope I get to work with the others because I've only worked with Gab, Ruru and Derrick. For me, I believe if you are a good person, that's already a Sparkle. Your attitude, your being humble, you feel that grow through other people because you have a good heart. For me, First Yaya I feel made me Sparkle the most.

Miguel Tanfelix on the other hand adds "If I would say something to my younger self, I won't spoil anything. I'll just say you're doing good. Being part of this will make it better, they're there to guide us to work on our craft and to constantly push us. They will drive us to even better things. I want to also work in a film with Khalil, I really learned a lot during our talks off cam. I am grateful and excited. I feel people forget what we do, but if you do it wholeheartedly with the right intentions, you'll inspire people."

Ysabel Ortega says "We're working hard to level up ourselves, super excited to be part of this family. They will make us level up as well, to meet that standard, to work hard, inspired and motivated. I have only worked with Miguel, so seeing them here I want to work with them all."

Good looking man Khalil Ramos adds "Put all your money in bitcoin. I'll tell my younger self to brace for the ride of your life, to look at your beginnings and spend more time with family. In this evolving industry, it's nice to have a team with Sparkle, they believe with I do and the skills I posess. In terms of work, I now have a lot of people to work with. I look forward to have a productive year with Sparkle. The one I have only worked in this group is Gabbi, hopefully that will change and perhaps create content one day, we have a lot of things to do.

Bianca Umali says "To all the dreamers, we all want you to know that anything is possible. This is a milestone for all of us, we have our own paths, but they're not here to change, but to lay more roads and have more discoveries which we cannot do alone. I have nothing but a grateful heart, I want to work my compatriots here because I've only had work with Miguel and Derrick, so it's going to be a nice opportunity to do that now. Aside form Mano Po, I have a series with HBO, hopefully to premiere this year so I hope people watch that. I'll also have a soap by the end of the year, and I've launched my own YouTube channel so I can share more of myself with everyone. I hope I get to work with Ruru."

Gabbi Garcia shares what she feels sand says "I'm excited to see more collaborative work. Us 8 we are pretty close off cam and I'm excited to grow this year! They give us the right direction and I am blessed to be part of this group. I am grateful for my team for trusting me, it's a big deal, I want to work more with them in a show, I haven't worked with Miguel, Bianca and Ysabel. I've known them for years, but haven't had the chance to do that, hopefully this year. Encantadia for me was where I sparkled the most, because I was the youngest there. After that, I was stronger, a lot better because I learned from them."

Ruru Madrid says "If there's something that I would say to my younger self, is to never stop dreaming. Even if you fail, you'll get there, you'll never stop learning. It's just a challenge and you'll appreciate it more when you get it. It's a challenge for all of us, because it's  a huge thing to trust us with this. We need to give our 100 percent in inspiring more people, entertain them, and give us the challenge to step up. The ones here are very talented in their respective shows, it's a big thing to be here, it's a challenge to prove myself, I want to explore more with the projects that I accept and I'm sure with Sparkle it'll happen. I haven't worked with Bianca, Khalil and Ysabel, I am excited if we could do that, it'll be something fun. Lolong is a really hard project, I have prepared for that a lot. I made my YouTube channel a venue to talk to my co actors, to learn from their hardships and struggles, to put up businesses, to inspire people. Hopefully I'd be able to work with Bianca because she's very talented, very professional and I'd like to learn from her too. It's a challenge for all of us to leave something for people who watch our shows, I want to show something different everyday. I don't want to stop learning, to only live with what I have, I want to give inspiration to others and even other artists of Sparkle. I was initially shocked about being part of this project, for me, I just want to bring back their trust, to work harder, there are a lot more good looking people out their but they gave us their trust."

Derrick Monasterio says "This is just the start for us. All I know is that I'm here to improve, and hopefully it will show in my new projects and movies. I have almost worked with all of them except Khalil and Ysabel, hopefully it'll be easy now to do that in one show, soon. Calling someone by their name, it impacts them, it's something personal, smile at them, these simple ways can make their day change, and it'll be something that could also benefit us in the future. I was driving earlier when I found out that I'm part of Sparkle 8 and I thank the Lord that he gave me strength to be part of this. Hope we flourish in our own little ways."

Mr. M "Get a nice light and put lot of shiny things on you (he kids), you have to do more work, you have to make it shine. We want to rebrand Artist Center and give it a face lift, give it more vigor, make it younger and better. It was already good, but we just want to be more with these artists. We're raring to have more quality work, I suggested it a couple of months ago and Lorenz Tan came up with the name. When I look at someone, I see a spark, you see the garbo, and it's something special, you just feel it when you see someone. After a while you get to know their work, their passion, their commitment and discipline, like these 8 guys and gals, even then I've seen how they have grown in GMA. I've seen that in Dingdong Dantes and Alden Richards. These days, you need to have something in them that make them love their profession. These young men and ladies are just the start, we want to revitalize Artist Center and I think Sparkle just does that. It embodies that change, you can expect a better quality of work from these artists and this system that we work will have them in rigorous training and workshops so we can see them as GMA's brightest stars this year. I don't think things changed with social media, the formula has been the same. We still don't know if it's better or worse, because it has given us more opportunities to enhance the progress of the artist, but also, there are some bad things about it. The system will stay the same, you have to look for the Spark, we try and work with them to complete that. It helps, but sometimes it's buwisit! (he kids)."

There's nowhere to go but up as you see these SPARKLE artists shine even brighter this 2022. Hope we get to talk to them more soon!