Showing posts with label Kids Furniture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Furniture. Show all posts

My House in the South

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm thinking of new things to add to our home in the south. If all things push through my brother would have the house complete and get it done before the year ends. That is just an ambitious estimate so I'm going to give myself around the first quarter of this year to get that fixed. After that we would need to get some key pieces bought but I have a special need for western furniture. I like how natural looking wood gets inserted in a theme I was thinking for the space. I am not a professional interior designer or architect but I have aesthetics in the mix somewhere. I want to show you guys a few of my favorites... it coincides with the theme I have in mind!

I want this piece outside my picket fence inspired porch. It is somewhat a rustic/country feel obviously that I want to happen. I love how natural it looks like and the wood used is finished greatly. I don't want a metal one because that would probably end up more industrial or futuristic. I want to get lots of pillows and a larger throw on top of that. Maybe a little orange or terracotta which hints more of a Hispanic/Mexican feel. I can probably add a few dried chilis and hang them around as garlands or art deco. I think I'm inspired! I want this to be a place of refuge in the late afternoon so I could get lemonade or something similar for refreshments. I need a place to put that though. Ah! I need a side table!

If I place this quite near that and make sure it doesn't block the smooth swing it induces this would be perfect! The woodsy look is actually continued and this one has that perfect height. I also need to think about what I'll have in the interior and make sure that it is also comfortable.

I won't stop myself from purchasing an LCD TV and would like to see if this set would actually fit. The lounge chair would be a necessity for me and my Dad. I want to still have a comfortable place to watch movies if I'm not in the mood to roam around the heavily forested area which this will all be located. I don't have to worry about cleaning too because Mom is going to get covers for them all if we're not around. Nice choices huh?!

How about you?! Have you considered getting these types of furniture?! Or would you buy something else? Tell me about it alright?!


Get Furniture and You Won't Regret It!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I often complain about how my life ended up like this but I'm not complaining why I'm currently single. There are a lot of things that I got to think about because of this situation and in retrospect one of them is how to keep a lasting relationship. I confuse myself most of the time but it all boils down to pleasing the woman in your life. This concept is simple yet complicated but I don't argue with what's natural. There might be a couple of exceptions here and there but if you think about it they are not that different at all. You have to get them flowers every once in a while and you have to treat them right. You also need to figure out how complicated their world is and squeeze in buying rustic bedroom furniture so you have that hint of a marrying type of person. I'm no relationship expert but when it comes to getting a point across I think I have so much experience in that department.

There is also certain nostalgia about giving people high ticket items such as furniture. It comes to them as a security blanket so you won't fear they would be just left hanging anytime. I usually buy them when the time comes to live together. You get to see how she is in her natural environment. I also get to see how different she is after the dating phase where you mostly see only the best foot forward. In hindsight, you get to have your apartment or house redecorated with the best natural wood which I love so much in that shabby chic feel I usually see in lifestyle channels. I love how my room ends up even after the relationship fails. I get to have what I need on investment furniture and have my partner happy at the same time. It's hitting two birds with one stone; who am I to complain?! So make sure you get them that bar or bed you love when the need arises. I got the best of both worlds and you should too!


Thinking About Your Kids Furniture

Thursday, January 22, 2009

When I was a kid, there were only a few things I needed at home to get me taken cared of. I did not have the luxury of having my own room at that time because nurseries were never thought of in the Philippines at that time. Most babies stay at their parent's room so neither dad or mom would actually wake up in the middle of the night and pat the baby to sleep. That was just really not the norm in this side of the world. I was not aware of the culture then in the US where almost every baby would get their own prepared room and own set of furniture as most interior design shows now dictates. There are also themes for every kid to enjoy so it would not be that boring room in the house nobody wants to stay in. They make an effort to make it appealing to the eyes of the kid as much as possible because it stimulates brain growth. Although, I did not turn out that bad anyway ha-ha!

There were some that used designer furniture and some that used inexpensive ones. It was harder to get those things shipped over every state possible then because the logistics are just too expensive. Now in the age of online shopping, getting that dresser, bookcase, day beds or nightstands became easier as communication became cheaper and faster. This kids furniture became easier to procure even now that more stores are offering bigger discounts to choose from. You should check out what you need online and I'm sure you'll get what you need. Christmas just ended anyway and it's possible your godfather and godmother would probably get you what you want right?
