Showing posts with label Kikkoman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kikkoman. Show all posts

Authentic Oriental Flavors with Kikkoman Soy Sauce

Saturday, April 23, 2016


We went back to 25 Mushrooms Kitchen with Chef Margaret Santos to make authentic oriental flavors with Kikkoman Soy Sauce. We can see the difference now as the Kikkoman Soy Sauce is reddish brown. 

The chemically created soy sauce is darker, it also sticks to the chopsticks and is very salty. Kikkoman is light, sweet and appetizing. It's not processed and you can feel it smoothly unlike the heavy ones in the market. Taste wise, Kikkoman tastes the best! 

Soybean, wheat, water and salt. They make this the natural way in Japan and you can't really get that quality distinct taste anywhere else like Kikkoman does. It's pasteurized and gone through quality tests because it is from Japan. 

Here's a video I made before the event started.

We have three recipes today so we started by doing a Sushi platter. With Uni, Ebi, Tuna and Salmon, we were bound to make a beautiful dishes this afternoon!

We used Sashimi Grade tuna and salmon plus lovely Kani and shrimp if you're into that.

Making the rice is important because it will make or break your dish. Remember to use Japanese rice and in the ratio of 1: 1and 1/4 cup. You can make this in your rice cooker so it doesn't take a genius to do that. We cut the tuna, put the spices and Japanese mayo for the Spicy Tuna.

Tuna or any other seafood should always be cold. Add hot sauce or Togarashi powder for more added kick! Use your hands to firmly pack the rice, more than your usual sushi, do the same on Uni. Put in a cut Nori Wrapper on the sides so it would be like a basin for your spicy tuna. 

Do the same on the other rolls, just make sure it's bite sized, and finish it in one or two bites. That'll be enough to feed you the whole day. If it doesn't stick, just put water and you'll be fine.

I'm so good at this hahahaha! 

Then we made Pork Tonkatsu too!

We pound the meat first, then put it in Flour, Egg and Breadcrumbs.

Then fry it in oil for about 3-5 minutes or until golden brown.

Now you have Pork Tonkatsu! Now let's make the sauce! 

Making Dashi first by dissolving the powder on the boiling water. This is your stock. A little oil, onions, mushrooms, leeks (green and white part), then set it aside. Pour the teriyaki sauce in the dashi, eyeball it, put a little sugar, then put the pork in. Put in your egg then wait for it to cook. When the egg gets cooked, slide it on your rice and enjoy!  

It was still crunchy on the sides and the flavor really seeped in. Must try this at home. 

Then we also prepared Sukiyaki. It's that sweet soup commonly found in Japanese Restaurants. You've got veggies, rice noodle, beef and egg. You just combine ingredients, make the soup to taste and voila! You've got your lovely Sukiyaki in minutes! 

I love it! It's sweet and not too salty. It was heaven in a bowl. I want to cook this at home too. :) 

Now have you already cooked something for your family lately? Maybe it's time you get Kikkoman Soy Sauce and Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce today and make that kitchen masterpiece a reality today! 

P.S. They even made us desserts by using two heaping scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream and drops of Kikkoman Soy Sauce. Apparently, it works!

By the way, I'll be giving away a few cooking classes so you guys get the chance to cook too. Stay tuned on my Instagram account @kumagcow and tell me about your favorite dish! 

Fresh Blogs Fast!

An Oriental Journey with Kikkoman Soy Sauce

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

I was invited to a cooking class a few weeks ago by the good people of Kikkoman Soy Sauce. I'm sure just like me, you've got your fair share of Kikkoman Soy Sauce stories you're raring to talk about. It's my family's go to brand if we're eating something Japanese but that afternoon during the cooking demo, I learned there's a lot of things you can do with it. 

I'm a purist kind of guy when it comes to Kikkoman Soy Sauce so when it's Sushi, Maki or Sashimi, I only use it plainly or put in a bit of wasabi to give it a little kick. The Chef's however at 25 Mushroom Kitchen showed us how we can use the lovely premium brew for different dishes without losing it's flavor. I can cook, but I don't delve that much into Japanese cooking because it tends to have a lot of preparation involved in it. Good thing they prepared most of the mise en place before we even got there as they knew that would actually take some time to chop, julienne and peel things for this short course.

The task was a bit difficult because it entails us to make California Roll from scratch, of which I know I've actually done so miserably in the past. I just did what I had to do and since most of the guys and gals there were also doing it for the first time, I think I did quite good for what it's worth and yes, I even ate my California Roll, it was edible haha!

California Roll can be actually modified by putting in different fruits or vegetable in the center. We were advised to wet our hands as putting in the rice will be a very sticky situation. Of course after everything's done, we NEED to use Kikkoman Soy Sauce as it's dip. I feel the most difficult part of this is the cutting wherein you need a very sharp knife to do it. Make sure you only put a thin layer of rice as it is going to be heavy on the belly. They also have Teriyaki Sauce now which we'll use later on in the class.

I like a LOT of Japanese mayonnaise on my California Roll so I didn't hold back in that department. My version was absolutely good! If you say otherwise, friendship over!

They also taught us a new skill, this is how to debone a whole chicken leg!

We used grated ginger, sweet sake, a little sugar and the all important Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce as marinade!

We dredged it in flour, fried it until golden brown. We set it aside then we made the sauce.

We didn't have to thicken it anymore because the chicken already contained flour. So more Kikkoman Soy Sauce and Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce, sugar and spices was all we need to finish the dish.

Can you see how yummy this looks like? Because it is. I loved this so much I didn't have to take it home anymore because I finished it all during the class haha!

This is the lovely Japanese Fried Rice. Amped up by Kikkoman Soy Sauce too of course!

I made a mistake (okay I admit haha) of putting a whole egg on this Beef dish. I should have only put in the egg yolk instead of the whole egg LOL but what's important is that I had fun and I learned a lot of things that we could do with Kikkoman Soy Sauce. Now if you want to experience what we did in 25 Mushrooms Kitchen, all you have to do is tell us why in an Instagram post with a photo of your favorite Kikkoman dish (just tag me). Or you can just comment on the Instagram post I'll be doing in just a bit. Convince me why you think Kikkoman Soy Sauce is the best and if you win you'll get Php 1,500 worth of Kitchen pass for a class in 25 Mushrooms Kitchen.

If you want to know more about what happened in the class we had, here's some videos to get you going!

I'll wait for your comments here and on my Instagram posts and I'll announce the winner next weekend (March 12, 2016). Who knows, it might be you!


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