Showing posts with label LJ Reyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LJ Reyes. Show all posts

LJ REYES Renews Ties with GMA Artist Center

Saturday, July 03, 2021

LJ Reyes doesn't have to prove anything. With a Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress award on her belt, she's one of the few stars from GMA that has done the legwork and succeeded in impressing critics in several award giving bodies. She's now taking everything in stride, taking care of Paolo and her kids. She also hosts a throng of shows, does influencer projects and is currently vlogging. Above all, she is a mother who would do everything for her family and her passions. Recently, she signed up again with GMA Artist Center. We got to talk to her the day after and it was so nice to see how she's managed to do all these things and more. I remember her telling us that GMA actually asks her what she wants to happen in her career, asks her what she wants to accomplish and do. I think that alone made the difference. 

LJ says "It's been a very colorful journey, I remember the rainbow colors of GMA when I do this. It's hard not to look back to the experiences, now that you have no work. I can't just leave my kids at home, I'm so happy and feel very rewarding to be still here in the industry. I didn't get to experience to be a child actor, Pao and I agree that it's better for them to have a private life, to have education, to do projects on the side but want it to be more normal. Even if they are not artists yet, there's social media. I feel both of them should have that for themselves as they are growing. I was able to experience that unlike Pao, which we both think they would prefer, they need to experience life. Anytime naman, if they were to choose to be part of this, we would be there to guide them. Aki wants to dance a lot, but now, he's a little conscious. He wants to post something that he would choose, and he's getting the hang of it."
About working with Pao, she says "Pao and I have worked in small projects already, but if we do have had the chance to make him a contrabida for me, we would probably laugh a lot in scenes, that would be really challenging if it happens. But that's very interesting, we talk about that often. We hope we would be able to produce it on our own, Pao has an eye for producing, we would want to grow as artists and we look forward to that." 

Here's part of our interview with LJ that afternoon

Make sure you follow her social media handles and Artist Center because definitely, she's going to have more projects and guestings this year. You bet you'll see her shine even brighter as she stayed with GMA.


LJ Reyes Launches Wonder Jane

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

If you're looking for LJ Reyes lately and haven't seen her in GMA shows, there is a reason for that. She's currently 6 months on the way and very happily married. She has a few businesses also but this one is keeping her busy. She just launched a new line of hygeine products called WONDER JANE and we talked to her about it.

LJ says “Aki and I always travel and my kid always go on public toilets, this kit saved me a lot of times and this small so you can bring it with you anywhere. Wonder Jane is from my real name, Lorna Jane. I wanted it to be simple and not too elaborate in packaging. I have other businesses but this I am really involved from scratch, I want to also have refill bottles and baby products in the future. It is made in the country, I want kids to bring it outside in their bags so they learn not to be messy.”

Wonder Jane Hygeine Kit Php 850

Undercover Wash - a liquid soap with no artificial fragrance. A cleanser for all parts of your body, no joke!

The Bug Rescue is a repellant for mosquitoes, no more dengue for kids and adults too! Lighlty scented.

The Anti Stink Bomb is to leave the toilet smelling really fresh so the next user won't complain after you use it!

The Hand Sanitizer is for disinfection without drying your skin!

The Bum Shield is a disposable seat cover, so you won't get scared using public toilets anymore!

She adds “It is important that I get my ideas and concepts out. These products have been tested by my friends and families, hopefully everyone will love this kit, I hope it can reach everyone because I would love it. The website will be available this Friday. I hope they could get the Wonder Jane Travel Kit and make it part of their lives. You may order through and get supplies from there starting September 15.”

This is promising but I hope she gets to have this in physical stores and channels because the website might not be enough to get her product out there. I have friends who would love this, I'm sure you do too so tell them all about it!

Keep it clean!

Fresh Blogs Fast!

GMA's New Show D'Originals

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Ladies, you've always dreamed of a perfect relationship right? But what if you suddenly find out that your man is not as "perfect" as you think he is? What if you found out that he's got another woman? Well, GMA wants you to see it on TV via this show called D'Originals. This stars Ms. Jaclyn Jose, LJ Reyes, Kim Domingo, Katrina Halili, Meg Imperial, Lovely Abella and a lot more!

LJ Reyes is here. She says "I am Marge and my character tries to hold my family together and while I'm busy with that, I kinda have problems with my own family. I will also have issues with my friends and their relationships, I enjoy meddling with their lives and I always get involved in situations that are very difficult for a woman. There's seduction, there's life that happens but you always have to do the right thing."

Kim Domingo plays Sofia a Zumba instructor and she's the girlfriend of Archie Alemanya's character named Art. She says "Watch for the things she does to catch her husband doing it with other women. We all have to be professional and know how to execute the scenes because there are times when it gets physical."

Katrina Halili says "My role here is Yvette and she's the other woman who's going to make Lando's life a living hell (played by Jestoni Alarcon)."

Meg Imperial plays Alice the sexy star who's had a past with Art trying to rekindle their romance as she tries not to get caught by the original one. She utters "There are a lot of reasons why there are women who go to miles of being the other woman,but they have their reasons."

Jestoni Alarcon who plays Lando says "This will teach people a lesson, the bad things that happen to people involved with a lot of women". Lando owns a security agency who's primary love is Josie played by Ms. Jaclyn Jose. 

Mark Herras is also here and he says "I am Caloy who just got back to the Philippines from his job as a singer from a different country. I didn't have a job or savings and we were left at home a lot of times so that's why we had a relationship too. We know life is crazy, but if a person has a partner we don't meddle with that so we don't have problems. We just need to find the single ladies."

Archie Alemanya plays Art who is an artist, plays around with 2 women because they can't help it. "I am shocked that there are men that do this, I need a one day sensual workshop with Meg and Kim."

Josie and Lando's son is Mikoy Morales who's exploring his sexuality, is also having problems. He's got a relationship with Elyson De Dios's character Darenn (of which he says is a straight guy but does go into relationships with gay men). They represent LGBT but it will be discussed more on the relationship of Mikoy coming out to his parents, how judgemental people are and the difficulties of maintaining their relationship. He also adds "Our relationship is a little on the cute side, being a little too young as well (16 year old boy), even if we didn't have physical contact, it was how the way our affinity with our family that matters."

Claui is Tim's youngest sister whilst Arnie Ross plays Precious who will also make matters worse as she partners with Yvette.

Adolf Alix the director says "The cast is different, we have a lot. The story is well researched and we interviewed real wives and other women who went into these relatioships. You know there are incidents like these seen in social media. You find it funny but if you think about it, these are real people. When someone watches TV and they emphatize with the characters they would really watch it. It's still a soap and based in emotions and we make sure there are real situations. If it's the rivalry between the other woman and the original one it would end early but there are family issues, domestic problems, we still need to discuss that other than just putting them on the spot. We have families and we can identify with the woman characters, limited time and budget but this series needs the emotions and characters and we move on to the next. I hope people understand the characters and what left them to do it. There are rehearsals, we talk about that how to execute. I enjoy making this a lot because I know how to handle them being I've done soaps with them in the past."

D'Originals will play from Mondays to Fridays right after Legally Blind and before Wowowin on GMA's Afternoon Prime.

Fresh Blogs Fast!