Showing posts with label LianHua Qingwen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LianHua Qingwen. Show all posts

Lianhua Qingwen Gets Provisionally Off from List of Dangerous Drugs

Sunday, March 28, 2021

If you are looking for the status of Lianhua Qingwen, the Dangerous Drugs Board set out Board Regulations for it and published it this year. They have deliberated about it for a few months, and with record cases surging per day this week, it would be something good to have as an herbal solution for symptoms like fever, sore throat, cough, stuffy or runny nose, aversion to cold, muscle soreness, headache and wheezing. Fine print is here:

What this means is that S2 prescription from doctors to get Lianhua Qingwen are not required.  This is traditional chinese medicine brought to the country by Phil. Archipelago Intl. Trading Corp. They are still awaiting for it to be re-classified to an "over the counter" product by FDA. Here's their FDA registration.

Currently this is being sold in the market for Php 288.00 per box of 24 capsules. With the DDB decision, the regulation of it takes effect 15 days after publication, which in their case is March 12th of 2021. Lianhua Qingwen is now available in Mercury Drug branches and other leading pharmacies nationwide.

If you would like to know more about Lianhua Qungwen and its benefits, you may visit their official website or call them via (02) 8361-7491 to 98 loc. 844. Ask your doctor if this could help you. It may be a good thing to do that first before taking anything orally. 

Stay healthy peeps!


LianHua Qingwen Now Available in the PH

Monday, November 23, 2020

Just got off the press conference of LianHua Qingwen, a traditional Chinese medicine which was recently approved by the FDA in the Philippines. This is not a treatment for COVID-19 but as indicated on FDA release "This is a traditionally used herbal product which helps remove heat-toxin invasion of the lungs, including symptoms such as fever, aversion to cold, muscle soreness, stuffy and runny nose."

This is manufactured by Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd in China. Yin Ling Chang, Dr. Cong Wei and Philippine Archipelago's Philip Tan-Gatue were present in the occasion.

Yilin Pharma's Vice President Zhang Yunling says "Our company has a 28 year history and 10000 employees. It is one of the 500 top companies in China and in 2019 we have won the technology innovation award. Lianhua Qingwen continues to expand in the global market and has been in Canada, Mozambique, Romania, Thailand, Ecuador, Singapore and a lot more countries has also approved this traditional Chinese medicine. It has been promoted in different aspects and treatments overseas. We are using modern technology to promote traditional chinese medicine while remaining to have good safety measures. This has also been published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology and research has proved this improves conditions from light COVID-19 symptoms. Currently, 9 ANDA products have been approved in the US market and soon in other countries.This approval in the Philippines and our partnership in Philippine Archipelago will help a lot of Filipino citizens."


Dr. Cong Wei the President TCM Division of Yiling Medical Research Institute remarks "TCM has rich clinical practice and theoretical summaries in the treatment of epidemics. They also have played an important role in the treatment of epidemics, based on syndrome differentiation and has unique advantages in the treatment of emerging infectious diseases. It takes a long time to research and develop drugs and vaccines. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years, we have combined the treatment done of Epidemic Warm Diseases from Qing Dynasty and the Cold Damage from Han Dynasty in these Lianhua Qingwen Capsules. This has been proven effective in fighting influenza, and treatment costs are lower. LHQW also inhibits weightloss, improves condition of inflamed lungs. IT also significantly improves clinical symptoms and clinical cure rate. It also shows good trend in the reduction of severe cases according to studies. From 2008 to 2020, this has been recommended by China's authorities for efficacy over 20 times."


Philip Nino Tan Gatue, Clinical Assistant Professor of the UP College of Medicine says "Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete Chinese Medical System. It has its own theories to health, pathology, physiology, diagnostics and treatment. It has various modalities such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, manual manipulation, and breathing exercises. Herbs are seldom used alone, it is used in combination with other herbs. A chief herb, a deputy herb to strengthen the chi, an assistant herb to mediate side effects and an envoy herb that leads to the desired area of effect. We have 13 ingredients, but we have to find the active ingredients. We know the molecules, we know the genes that affect things, but we have to match which affects the formula. The SARS experience was a good point in the integration of Chinese and western medicine. COVID-19 has external invasion of wind heat, constrained Qi and fire in the lungs, Deficiency in vital Qi, dampness, heat, fluid/pus (toxin) and blood stasis."

The LianHua Qingwen will be sold in select Southstar Drug Branches nationwide. They will be available in Mercury Drug and Watsons soon. Make sure you only purchase them in legal channels because they won't be able to promise efficacy if you don't get it from the right source. It costs Php 288 per box (SRP) and check the box as it is in English. The instructions will also be in English including the leaflets, the blister pack as well. The box will contain the generic name, the label and barcode, you will see if it is registered there otherwise they will be illegal. This could help a lot of people certainly especially those who have symptoms. But of course you have to get tested by Doctors still.