Showing posts with label Lifestlye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestlye. Show all posts

Skincare YouTube Channel Launched: LUMINISCE by Dr. Kaycee Reyes

Saturday, September 18, 2021

When skin and preventive medicine advise ain't reachable because of the pandemic, we find ways to get in touch with the experts. In fact, she's reaching out to you now via her own YouTube channel Dr. Kaycee Reyes, founder of famed Luminisce Holistic Skin Innovations.

I've witnessed a few friends and went to her clinic in BGC a few years ago, and I've seen really remarkable change in their skin. Her new YouTube channel is going to be more on programs about skincare and talk about how you can take good care of it with your family. You'll see her giving advice, including celebrities like the Legaspi twins, Carmina Villaruel and Zoren Legaspi. Of course, there are regular joes like you and me who may be featured in the show so don't hesitate to subscribe if you're interested in the topic. See how an expert does it especially if you're looking for skin solutions, hair too.

Doc Kaycee says "I'm a skin doctor, I pursued preventive medicine and cosmetic surgery in Germany. I appreaciate you being here today. 9 years ago, I didn't know we would be this big. The idea of being beautiful inside out is honestly difficult especially with the heightened stress we get because of the pandemic. We are reaching to patients so they could reach their goals. We started with online consultation, treatments in the clinic and send it to homes. Patients have loved it and now we're releasing 10 more treatments from Luminisce and products. Health is wealth, there's no one pill that can cure everything, but prevention is definitely better than cure. We also launched SOL REVIVE, mobile on wheels, to do preventive care. These are aesthetic treatments that can be scheduled and arranged with patients. The YouTube channel is also launching today, episodes will come out in the next few weeks. We hope you get to see it soon! I believe YouTube is still in its infancy, so we're testing how to reinvent ourselves in the channel. I've been writing for a couple of years now, the YouTube channel would be some place to inform people with evidence based medical procedures."
Luminisce has a branch in BGC (this photo), The Podium and Alabang (Innosense Organics) is also a health food store curated by Dr. Kaycee Reyes. It's part of the preventive medicine procedures, so we don't progress to diseases. Diabetes, depression, negative life events, it is activated by lifestyle choices. The food that we eat should not induce inflammation, nor should it be harmful food. We need a reset and be mindful how we could prevent it. We need to lessen toxicity, and prevent the activation of certain diseases. We need to age gracefully and Dr. Kaycee will take care of part of that as well. 

The first episode on the YouTube channel will include the Villaruel-Legaspi family. They've been with Luminisce for 6-7 years already as patients, they're very kind and have always given a very positive personality. Carmina, Zoren, Mavy and Cassy have had different skin conditions, they come once a month previously, but since they couldn't go to the clinic, they're given kits once a month so they would be able to take care of their skin even at the comforts of their home. There will be a few more episodes in the pipeline including aesthetics, preventive medicine, mental health, life in the pandemic, things that you could learn from so you become a better individual inside out. You may start by subscribing to her YouTube channel

Congratulations Doc Kaycee! Can't wait to see the episodes!