Showing posts with label Literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Literature. Show all posts

Celebrating World Poetry Day in the Philippines

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Poets used to come to little quaint Kamuning Bakery. In a recent Pandesal Forum organized by owner Wilson Lee Flores, we celebrated World Poetry Day and he invited a few guests, Prof./Dr. Gemino Abad and Prof.Dr. Vin Nadera.

Dr. Abad is a National Artist for Literature and it was so nice to see him share his experience in English and Creative Literature and his time in University of the Philippines.

They also had guests from Mataas na Paaralan Ng Neptali Gonzalez in Mandaluyong City, with their Prof. Cruz.

Prof./Dr. Gemino Abad says "I am overwhelmed but I'm glad to be here to share whatever things we'll be talking about. The word poem or poetry is of Greek origin, meaning to make or create. It can be generic of any creative or literary work, fiction or not. It could be a play, drama or non fiction essays. It refers to all of that. It is work of language and imagination, it's a basic creative sense. You need a certain mastery of it, but it could be from imagination, or real human experience. Reading or not, it must be done with lively imagination. When you are moved by it, you understand human experience. Have you thought about asking yourself about your sense of country? When you read a poem, you live it, one has to be moved by it. A strong sense of language and imagination is needed. Not just entertainment. I like Nick Juaquin, Francisco Arcellana, those are two great choices. The secret of youth is having Mercy in my life, she is my wife. It is very important to have only one. That is the secret."

He adds "Put the word on paper, it establishes our reality. Before shifting sands and ice age melts, our words demarcate. It defines all possibilities."

Prof.Dr. Vim Nadera says "We are here for the TULA partylist. Not running for anything. The greatest heroes in the Philippines are all makata, and very young. We forget the earliest form of poetry, which is prayer. Friars talked down on pulpits, preaching, opposite of that is pleading or harana. What's better than that is when we kneel down and pray, it's an analogy. You could be down or up there but both can be descriptive, the new ones are like that, without judgement, it's like imagism. People just describe things and objects to represent concrete ideas. Love is even not clear to a person, but if you show the heart, it's clear and easily understandable. We name them, and interpret it, it's an early form of entertainment. I like Jose Rizal, he made it powerful and opened the eyes of readers. It was read by Bonifacio which made him put up the revolution, and even became a makata. Elandro Abadilla too who changed society. The young ones like Emilio Jacinto, the Kartilya of Katipunan is an example. He's a role model, unlike the opposition now that doesn't have a face. We are looking for that right now."

He adds "We Filipinos use kantyaw, or parodies to answer back jokingly. (He sings Saranggola ni Ate and hits political and recent news figures)."

They have a book printed called "SALIMBAGAN" which has prints and poems released by 

Seeing high school students take on Balagtasan exercises that morning made me realize that poetry isn't a dying art, as long as there would be generations that could teach the young ones, it would live, exist, and remain part of our existence.

Kamuning Bakery will also be having a promo tomorrow on World Poetry Day by giving out FREE coffee for those who would send original works of poetry at the story (according to Wilson Lee Flores)


How To Write Good Essays Fast

Friday, October 27, 2017

Despite our best efforts, we’ve all been in a situation where we need to write an essay in a truly ridiculous amount of time. It can either be because we genuinely forgot about it, or because we're in a class which gave huge amounts of homework. This means our schedules need to change and move quickly. While a lot of students prefer to simply buy an essay from writing services such as, there are ways in which to tackle the need to write quickly which can be learned easily by anybody who wants to do so. Writing an essay quickly is difficult, but ultimately doable.


When you need to write something fast, the most important thing is to get started. Getting started can mean simply beginning to write, of course, but it can also be as simple as simply jotting down ideas for research and structure, just so that you have something to work from.

Getting ideas onto paper is one of the easiest ways to start the process of writing, as it means that you have something to work from, and that the process of writing has started.


When writing essays, it is always a good thing to try and stand out in some way, to get your essay noticed. When you are on a deadline is not the time to try something like that; it is the time to keep things simple. A simple structure is more easily remembered, so when you are writing in a hurry it is much easier to remember what goes where, and how to structure a thesis statement, and so on.

Keeping to the basic structure also allows you to build an essay more quickly, as the basics are usually the same, no matter the essay.


When you are on a deadline, paying attention to the little details becomes all the more important, because that will detract attention from the half-baked ideas which you might end up with. Spelling and grammar is also an opportunity to make up for any points lost in other areas of the essay.

When it comes to how to write a good college essay, both good spelling and good ideas are needed, but if one has to be sacrificed to the deadline? Good communication skills as shown by an entirely grammatically correct and well-formatted paper cover bad ideas far more easily than good ideas will cover for a badly-written and formatted paper.

Check your spelling and grammar as much as possible. Time constraints might not allow it, but having a second pair of eyes to look over your work is helpful too. Make sure to check that the formatting you are using for your paper is correct, and pay special attention to quotes and references, as they are the most visible part of the formatting.

Don’t Panic

It can be easy to start feeling paralyzed by looming deadlines, but don’t let that get in your way! If you let yourself be stopped by fear, then the work you need to do will never be done, so push through the fear, and keep writing. The work will get done one way or another and the quicker you start, the quicker it will be done.

Minimize Distractions

Ask anyone who has had to contend with deadlines how to write an essay fast and they will most likely share some wisdom about minimizing potential distractions while working. Unfortunately, distractions only seem to be worsening as time goes on, with streaming TV and movies, social media, and video games all jockeying for space with the more usual ways we have of spending our leisure time.

Be strong, and ignore the distractions around you! There are now programs and apps which can be used to temporarily block social media sites (among other things) for a certain duration – you could consider getting one of them if necessary.

Eat and Drink

Remember to eat and stay hydrated! It is easy to forget these things when on a deadline, but it is important that you not. Eating and drinking properly helps you to stay alert and awake, and also makes it easier to concentrate, so keeping up with these things can help with the writing process.

Eating and drinking can also serve as a way of relaxing, or rewarding yourself for reaching certain milestones in your paper. When on a deadline, rewarding yourself for keeping to the timetable and not getting distracted can be a good way of keeping yourself on schedule.

In Conclusion

Writing an essay on a strict time limit is not fun, but there are ways in which it can be done, and done well. This article looked at some of the more popular tips which can come with short deadlines, such as keeping distractions down, and making sure you eat, among others. These tips could apply to any writing situation, not simply short deadlines, but they are particularly appropriate here.


Time Management Rules: How Much Time Do You Need To Spend Working?

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Become More Productive With Proper Time Management Habits

The efficiency of 8-hour working day has been argued for a long time now, let alone those cases when the amount of time you spend working has no limits whatsoever. It may seem that you have no choice: that paper writing or those assignments won’t complete themselves. But the thing is, to be more productive you need to create a perfect balance of working hours and off-hours. Read on to learn more about time management rules.

Best Way To Organize Your Time

One recent research showed that workday length doesn’t really affect productivity in any significant way, but the way people organize their work hours does. People who regularly take small breaks from work show higher levels of productivity than those who work for hours in a row. 

The perfect balance is 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest followed by another 52 minutes of work… you get the idea. Try this method while doing some important and complex research writing – odds are you’ll notice how much more productive you get.

The only thing you have to remember if you do want to increase your productivity is forget about social media and private messages. During your breaks, do something that would distract you from work – read, do workouts, have a cup of tea. This will give you more energy to complete all the tasks during the upcoming hour of work.

Your Brain Will Tell You How To Be More Productive
Those who discovered this perfect balance of work and breaks show better results and easily catch up on competition. The thing is they’ve realized how to satisfy our brain’s fundamental needs. It is capable of working at full capacity for an hour and then its activity drops down. This decrease of activity lasts for approximately 15-20 minutes.

The best way to avoid exhaustion and all kinds of distractions is to divide your workload in portions.

So instead of working on something until you just can’t focus on your task, listen to what your body tells you. Tiredness or desire to get distracted may be a sign that tells you that you need a break. Your list of essay topics can wait. Relax and forget about your work for a short period of time.

Main Rules of Productive Working Day Organization

Correct time management will help you improve your performance at work, no matter how many hours a day you spend working. If you work on your tasks and assignments during your natural activity peaks, it will be easier for you to deal with large amounts of work. Here are four main tips on how to do this right:
  1. Work diligently during that hour and divide your tasks into several separate stages based on your working hour sessions. As a rule, we plan to complete our tasks or projects by the end of the day, week, or month. However, practice shows that your performance efficiency increases when we focus on something we can do right here, right now. Correct working schedule will not only help you work out your own productivity rhythm; it will also make massive tasks look more doable.

  2.   Focus on your work completely. You need to pay all your attention and your every effort to what your work on during your activity hour. If you constantly get distracted by something, it will be of no use.

  3. Make sure you relax properly during your breaks. Those who find a way to completely detach themselves from thoughts about work during their breaks work more productively afterwards. To increase your productivity, take a break and stay away from your computer, your smartphone and from thinking of your work. Take a walk, read a book, chat to a friend. When there’s just too much of work, the temptation to use your break to make calls or write emails is great but remember that this won’t let you relax properly. 

  4. Don’t wait until the moment your body will make you take a break. It will be too late, you’ll miss a planned break and get off track. In that case you’ll need more time for restoring the proper working hours/off-hours balance.
Follow these simple rules and your productivity will increase. You’ll improve your performance and feel much better overall. It is a great way to deal with large workload faster without resorting to outside help. Give this a try – and you’ll forget about contacting custom essay services.