Showing posts with label Liver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liver. Show all posts

Keeping Your Liver Healthy

Sunday, May 31, 2020

It's times like these when you sit down and think about what's important, we all got a dose of reality that it is health.

How do we effectively take care of our physical health? Our well-being? How about digestive health? People have long forgot about how to take care od the liver where important proteins, vitamins, energy and minerals are stored and made. The thing also filters out harmful toxins from the body and if it gets compromised, it's going to take a toll on our body. One should take it more seriously.

A care package filled with gut loving products, it's time to take care of your liver and digestion!

What's good is, many of these severe liver diseases can be prevented or treated if it is detected early. We just need to act on it, supply necessary help so liver complications do not happen. 

We wouldn't want people to experience chronic fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or a tendency to get bruised easily. A proactive approach is caring for it which means living a healthy lifestyle, good diet and exercise.  These are things that would lessen the chance for it to happen.

To support efforts, some people take (Phospholipids) Essentiale® Forte P which contains purified EPL® (Essential Phospholipids). It is extracted from natural food made with precise technology from Germany. Essentiale is an over the counter treatment which makes it accessible and clinically proven to strengthen liver health by promoting the repairing function and regeneration of liver cells. Well hallelujah!

You can add it up with digestive healthcare solutions like (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax for constipation relief (we all go through that right?) (Hyoscine N-Butylbromide) Buscopan for stomach aches and abdominal cramps (oh you know these ladies!) and Erceflora Probibears for your child’s overall digestion instead of those sweetened drinks which stocks run out in the groceries. 

Last May 29, the whole world celebrated World Digestive Health Day (#WDHD2020) and companies like Sanofi invites you to help spread awareness on proper digestive health. Go show your support by sharing your stories on the internet while using the hashtag #LetsTalkAboutGutFeelings. 

Check the other stories shared by people around the world by using the same to search for posts. You'll be amazed!


How do you fix your liver?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

You should know. It’s got one of the most important functions in your body, and if you don’t take care of it, you’ll suffer the consequences which is not a good thing. First off, you should know everything about what you eat.

That extra slice of pizza, those two bottles after your office hours, that ain’t good. You liver would work extra hard and if it stops doing that, you won’t have something that stores important vitamins, energy and minerals that releases them in the blood. It also helps in resisting infections by producing immune factors and removing bacteria from the blood. So be kind to your liver, it’s the only one you’ve got.

The intake of essential phospolipids may help improve liver function. Essentiale for example contains purified essential phospholipids that comes from natural food that can be easily absorbed by liver cells. It is clinically proven to strengthen liver health by promoting the repairing function and regeneration of liver cells. Now if that happens, you’ll be better off processing foods you eat, drinks you take, give what body needs to survive.

That’s a good way to take care of your liver!


The Silent Hero in You

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Silent Hero In You?

It’s your liver, and it’s about time you take care of it. Do you know how to do it? I don’t either. So what if aside from a good diet plan, you can take supplements to aid in making it better? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Of course! It’s why I took them for a few weeks too.

It’s called Essentiale Forte. It is basically Phospolipids, same thing that makes up your liver cell membrane. It takes care of your silent hero. Your liver stores vitamins, energy and minerals, it also detoxifies too. It converts the food you eat into energy and helps your body to resist infections. If you don’t take care of it, you’ll be a candidate for fatty liver disease, hepatitis or alcoholic liver disease, scary stuff huh?

Allan Jay Domingo the Essentiale Consumer Health Care Country Medical Lead says “These cholesterol problems can be reversed if identified early or managed early. The integrity of the liver and appearance of high liver enzyme rate means it is deteriorating. Clinical trials of phospholipid supplements have been done but it is always living a healthy lifestyle and consulting with a doctor that must be done before this. There are tons of harmful chemicals in maintenance medicine that can affect the liver and people often do overlook it. To have your liver checked is important, especially in special diets which consists a lot of fat. Also, anything you take orally will take processes in the liver.”

Liver problems are to be taken seriously and if it needs things, you should give it all the help it should get. Maybe the phospolipids in Essentiale would be good for you, you should consider this especially if you’ve got family history.

Supplements are here to help! And it’s a good thing.