Showing posts with label MILF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MILF. Show all posts

Updates on the search for my Tita Milet and Ms. Espie (kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tita Milet and Espie are still in captivity by suspected Abu Sayyaf

I read a while ago that they were held reportedly by a group of teenagers as young as around 12 years old. They (victims) estimated their ages as between 12 and 19. Teenagers bearing arms last Monday in Tipo-Tipo stopped the two-vehicle convoy while making their way to Isabela City in Basilan. Its remarkable... even MILF men also are now being ordered to join search for the abducted aid workers.

Based on Dekit’s and Estandarte’s accounts (the two who escaped the men while they were on foot), Ms. Espie Hupida had difficulty moving quickly because she has a problem with her leg ... My Tita Milet did not want to leave Ms Espie behind. This is very true, we (her family) know her to be like this. Authorities say that kidnappers were led by Nurhassan Jamiri and Pujuri Indama of the Abu Sayyaf.

I implore to you fellow bloggers, relatives and friends... please continue to pray... even the kidnappers... My Tita and Ms. Espie are very good people, they went to your place only to help those affected by the war and give livelihood programs from donors to those who need it. Taking them away like that is a it be against Allah, God or humanity. We are all Filipinos... we are all human... make the right choice and please release them unharmed. You even did this in the start of Ramadan... really not a good thing to do.

Still WAR in Mindanao (-_-)"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

US envoy Kenney, MILF chief Murad Ebrahim meet on peace process in Camp Darapanan in Mindanao
Photo by

Things that happened today kinda knocked me off my feet... I watched the news this evening... It was all bad... all about the war down south... Like this stuff about the government and the MILF and the numerous ways they point fingers at each other. The Philippines looks like a bloodbath in the south. In the island of Mindanao where there is a lot of promise, there is right now WAR. Yes ladies and gentlemen, they are at WAR.

The MOA that was supposed to be signed in by the government giving territorial privileges to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front did not push through because the Supreme Court stopped the proceedings since they considered this unconstitutional for the Executive branch to give out land that belongs to the republic. Yes, I hate the MILF... not because I am Christian... but as a citizen of the Philippines I do not want anyone hurting the civilians and making them human shields for their cause. A couple of their supposed men blatantly went "TRAITOR" and ransacked several towns in the war stricken land. Killing a few soldiers and civilian too. People think its simple, but this has gone for hundreds and hundreds of years. I would prefer that the government just stop these traitors and start dealing with these hooligans. Stop them from hurting people down there, they have their rights too you know! (-_-)"

All I want is peace down there, can't these guys just stop and just work their *** off like me. I remember the basic principle of life taught to me when I was in high school...we need to study to learn, learn to earn, earn to live, live to serve others... now why couldn't we just do that... I want to punish these people who think too highly of themselves because they weild guns... they think they can do anything because they have power over others... I hope they know what they are doing... I hope the government can resolve this once and for all.