Showing posts with label MLQU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MLQU. Show all posts

Go Vote Movement Launch

Monday, April 01, 2019

Do you still vote? I do, I deem it one of my rights as a citizen of the Philippines to choose who I see fit as a leader. I exercise that right every time there is an election, because I feel we wouldn’t have rights to complain from government services because we didn’t do it. That is the principle I live by hence I never miss one. It’s sad though that there are tons of Filipinos who do not go out and vote, they have their excuses, but this shouldn’t be the case. The government sets this as a non working holiday, you have the whole day to do it, if you choose not to, that’s not a good thing.

This morning I was at the launch of the GO VOTE MOVEMENT. It’s a non partisan, non governmental organization made up of volunteers who would encourage registered Filipino voters to go out and vote on May 13, 2019. They also are doing it through free voters education all throughout the country. The low turnout of voters always has been a very evident problem and this is the solution they’ve come up with on talks done by MLQU President Jerry Acuzar, former DOJ Undersecretary Erickso Balmes and GVM President and Convenor Atty. Erickson Balmes.

Atty. Irene Chiu says “One of our basic human rights is to partake in elections, we do this by voting. This is our way to tell others who we want to represent us. This is a non partisan, non governmental organization, we are all volunteers here. We invite you to join us in this advocacy, we encourage you to vote, this is not about us, this is about your right, your responsibility for your future.”

Attu. Erickson Balmes says “An educated voter can make a good decision. They will be more participatory in elections, we are lecturing now all over the country to various stakeholders. We advocating transparent elections, hopefully to break records of voter turnout this 2019. We now have been around the country to encourage people to do their duty as citizens, go vote on 2019!”

They have already started these seminars in MLQU last March 14, and continue to do so til now. With their efforts, they wish to see greater participation this year. If you would like to be part of this movement, call 0945 3483784 or email them via


1 Million Pesos for Success the MLQU Way

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

I'm having a grand time here in Manuel L. Quezon University's Quezon City Campus at the Victoria Sports Tower along EDSA. I think they're going to announce another milestone as they have gotten one of their students in the limelight by quipping the Top 8 spot for the Civil Engineering Licensure exam this 2017. He is Engr. Archimedes Martinez, and they are putting this in front as they feel this is tanget to their big SUCCESS which is done the MLQU way. NSJBI and MLQU has got a surprise for them.

MLQU has shone brightly after being bought by NSJBI in 2014 and this is just one of the few things they are doing to hasten excellence in education, to strive to excell, they are also amping up great rewards to those who have brought pride to the University. 

During the event, they have also interviewed lawyers that have graduated from MLQU and they shared their experiences about how it was to become a lawyer. Some of them didn't have support groups, means to actually study, but just by working hard and the muster to pursue their dreams, they are now the lawyers they dreamed to be. They noted how their professors were dedicated and passionate about educating them, that compared them to diamonds, which need a lot of pressure before they could have their own shine. Yes there is culture shock, but you will be pushed by your peers, by professors, the people in your school to aspire more, that is where you will get to love law. By the way, all their parents cried after getting the good news. It was heartwarming to hear them share how they felt about it. From the exhausting reviews, sleepless nights, tons of money, it was all worth it, and they made it!

Raphael Pedroso and Archimedes Martinez were then introduced and told their story. Raphael admitted to not have studied so much in the past but when he failed the first time he took the exams, he was encouraged by his brother to take the boards again... and he eventually got through and even had his grades equal to top 3, but since he is a repeater it wasn't recognized on top. He was so glad still and pushed himself to be a great man, imagine he had a medal given to him in college indicating Civil Engineering during his first course of Computer Science. It was a struggle, but he overcame it all. We all have these stories.

Archimedes on the other hand was the black sheep of the family, he had not been doing good on vices even used his tuition fee for gambling. They had him stop for a year because of that they didn't want him to enroll anymore, but he was given a chance to study again by his father and eventually, on taking his first board exams, who would have believed that he landed Top 8 overall? He utters "Make those people who doubt you your inspiration!", a quite good point.

MLQU is getting a lot of help from their graduates, some of which are topnotchers in their own field. "As we took over we wanted to face this challenge head on and bring in great faculty, and bring back the greatness of the school to it's status in the glorious days, my peers said they can do it. We can make it again in the different courses so we have had professors help to make this a reality. Educations and achievers are great equalizers! -Dr. Isagani Herman of MLQU"

Then they surprised them, they awarded Archimedes 1 Million Pesos for the feat and 50 thousand to Raphael Pedroso. 

The 69th MLQU Commencement Exercises

Friday, April 21, 2017

Being a proud QC native, being born and raised here has it's perks. You get to witness history unfold as institutions like Manuel L. Quezon University roll out their 69th Commencement Excercises. Criminal Justice, Law, Architecture and Graduate Studies, they've got it all. As former Speaker Sonny Belmonte puts it, they've just started to be "inspired" to be better, even surpass the people who have graduated in the same institution who have made the university and the country proud. 

Former Speaker Sonny Belmonte was also given an honorary degree of Doctors in Public Administration (Honoris Causa) by MLQU. Then they started calling them one by one on stage to accept their diplomas.

It was a little nostalgic, I could almost feel like it was my own graduation. The parents were all teary eyed seeing the accomplishments of their kids, some spouses too, as they have endured years of education in the lovely new MLQU School along EDSA. Honestly, I could see that most of these guys are either from middle class to low income families but they're very determined to see them all graduate no matter what the odds are. I was actually surprised how these guys and gals came from different parts of the country. It was also nice to see Speaker Sonny Belmonte (my own Congressman) being conferred honors by University Chairman Dr. Jose Rizalino Acuzar and University President Dr. Isagani G. Germar. I've seen how he's worked so hard not just for our district and city but also the country. There are tons of Justices, Lawyers (and board topnotchers), Architects, Business People and professionals have graduated from MLQU and they're actively growing in numbers. They are not just going to be making a name for their alma mater, but prolly the country as they'll be the leaders next in line as every MLQU Graduate should be. 

That just kept me thinking about getting graduate studies myself since I live very near their new campus. Congratulations graduates! Congratulations to MLQU too for honing these  youngsters, they're raring to go and work now!

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