Showing posts with label Melamine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melamine. Show all posts

I thought I was clean of MELAMINE! OMG even LIPTON!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Well folks, I just was shocked this morning. After working out, I grabbed the morning paper and checked out what the latest news was since I need to blog about something. You know what I found out? I've been drinking spiked tea all along....

This is the culprit:

If you think tea was healthy, think again! (>_<) tsk tsk!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I've been drinking Melamine laced Lipton tea all along (a few cups a week). Now Unilever is pulling out this stuff exported from Indonesia. I just hate the fact that I'm a lil educated about tea but never in my wildest dreams thought that I'd be also a victim of this ingredient melamine. I just wish its not gonna affect my health. I hope these middlemen they blame for putting these in milk be reprimanded and taken to jail. The effect has just been worldwide! So if you are a victim, stop drinking this and all its flavors! This news has been confirmed by BFAD. (-_-)" if only they pay me for medical bills!


20 Milk Based Products Cleared of Melamine

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Melamine is for plastic products like these and should not have been added to milk! sheesh!

20 more milk based products have been tested negative by the BFAD Philippines. This is the third batch of tests that the bureau has conducted after the melamine scare that has affected China based milk products. Melamine is an ingredient for plastic based materials and has been found on some of their products. This has caused a couple of baby deaths in China and elsewhere in the world since they exported this in Asia and other places in the world.

Make sure you take note that these are okay for consumption:

1. Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink ( Mango Magic )
2. Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink ( Orange Chill )
3. Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink ( Strawberry Spin )
4. Arla Full Cream Milk Repacked
5. Austria Milk Candies
6. Candyman White Rabbit Butter Toffee Candy
7. Cottage Milk Sweet Cream Butter Milk
8. Crisp Bean Chocolate
9. Crisp Chocolate Stone
10. Dairy America Milk Powder Repacked
11. Dairy Kreem Skimmed Milk Powder
12. Dong Guan Bairong Coconut Biscuits
13. Farmland Milk Powder
14. Kiddie Soya Milk Egg Delight
15. La Crema ( Puregold ) Skimmed Milk Powder Original
16. La Crema ( Puregold ) Skimmed Milk Powder Regular
17. Magic Chew Grape Fruit Sharing
18. Milk Drink In Red Can ( In Chinese Characters )
19. Oakland Skimmed Milk Powder
20. Showa Tempura Batter Mix

On Monday, BFAD will release another batch of tested products. Friday would be the last day. We just hope we did not get those contaminated in our system! These guys were said to be punished says the Health Minister from China. I just hope he's telling the truth after all that fiasco and poisoning right? (-_-)" Hohumm...
