Showing posts with label Melissa Cantiveros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melissa Cantiveros. Show all posts

Forever: The Jason Francisco - Melissa Cantiveros Nuptials

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hello people! :) It's time! 

I was invited a few weeks ago to a very special event. It's the wedding of Jason Francisco and Melissa Cantiveros. I love these two and you probably know I've been covering them on fashion shows, movies and events for a long time. For us, the people reading this post right now... it's but a fantasy for us to see them end up together... and yes this has been fulfilled.

I went to General Santos City in a heartbeat by booking a flight a few days after. I've never been to this place before. I didn't think about the events that I've cancelled, or the tons of backlogs I have in this blog... I just felt I had to be there. I felt if I missed this, I'll be getting tons of hate from Melason fans all over the world LOL (jowk).. but really, I just wanted to go there because I consider them my friends. It was like a special day for them and I didn't want to be second guessing at home and make nganga. People were asking me if they paid for my fare and hotel, I politely said no... I just felt, I just got to be there because I love these two. Okay, enough of the drama and let's go back to business. I know you guys are waiting for this!

The blow by blow accounts I made on twitter by the way were all true, but I'd be able to tell the stories with photos now. It's time!