Showing posts with label Mercedes Cabral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercedes Cabral. Show all posts

Aubrey Miles for Brillante Mendoza Presents: Everlasting

Thursday, March 23, 2017

We wrote about this last December before the outing of the first installment of Brillante Mendoza Presents, of the world renowned visionary and Best Director at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival. 

All Saturdays of last month, they've released TSINOY, which was brought about by the depiction of Filipino Chinese families set in the famous Binondo district in Manila. This time however, he's taking the story telling up another notch by doing a very unique tale of love of two women (played by Aubrey Miles and indie queen Mercedes Cabral) and the struggles arise when people follow their dreams, and go through the hardships of love. Almost all the scenes are also shot in Baguoi while the annual PANAGBENGA festival is ongoing. Direk Brillante's take on this story is different but will be telling it all in detail so you get to understand where the characters are coming from. How do you reason with a dream? How do you argue with love on the line?

This may just be another month where your Saturday evenings will get the brunt of how TV5 is disrupting the television space. Imagine watching quality movie scenes each week right in the comfort of your own homes, wouldn't that be nice? Well take the chance to watch the show starting this March 25, 9:30PM on TV5. You don't have to pay a single cent to see what a Cannes Film Festival awardee is doing on public broadcast TV. The show will also be tackling lesbian relationships so make sure you would always explain things to kids as the characters set off to find their real happiness. Now if you think this program is pushing the envelope, you're just seeing the second story... there are more!

Make sure you stay tuned to TV5 9:30PM every Saturdays on the Kapatid Network!


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New Movie BINHI (The Seed) On Theaters May 20!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

We saw this movie a few days ago in Glorietta Cinemas upon invitation of Viva Entertainment Inc. It's called Binhi (The Seed) which stars Joem Bascon, Mercedes Cabral, Kariz Espinosa and Roxanne Barcelo. This is a horror film, very old school, stemming from a family's journey to find work, independence and old friendships from the charming Baguio City where this story is set. This is also directed by Pedring Lopez, a synnergy I guess by Troy Montero's post production company WeLovePost, BlackOps, MFT Group, Haunted Tower and Viva Films.

Joem and Mercedes plays husband and wife who got hooked up renting an enormous house that they got for cheap in a far flung place in Baguio City. Mercedes is also pregnant at that time and needed to take refuge here than in Manila for a simpler and quiet life. Things turn out to be a bit creepy when they started living there. She remained optimistic all throughout until they got to see a ghostly kid popping around the house, their dreams, their everyday lives. 

You have to watch this film and make sure you bring your friends, loved ones and see how old school executed pinoy horror flicks are done slightly with cool computer based effects. I must say, I thought I was going to be bored watching another Filipino film but no, this has really good content, story and will make you think about it in the end. I don't want to spoil it for you. Make sure you watch it on theaters come May 20, 2015. The kids were so creepy they even visited us during the premier night LOL!

If you're a little creeped out and if the photos at least sparked your interest, watch the film. It's okay to be frightened every once in a while, good for the heart. 

Fresh Blogs Fast


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Annasandra's Secret (Ang Lihim ni Annasandra)

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Rochelle Pangilinan and Andrea Torres for Annasandra

You've probably seen the show by now and figured what happens when young girl Annasandra transforms into a warthog/boar/wild pig every time the sun sets. The beginning of the story was well explained and I lauded the director about the great job they did on the camera angles because for me, it was cinematic. They're proud to say, they've made their best effort to present the story clearly, precise so that when the time comes that the character grows up, everybody knows where they are coming from.

"Awok" is what they're called, and in normal terms it's also some form of "Aswang" but they coined the term from it's Cebuano equivalent. They did this so it stays away from the latter which has been somehow overused in Philippine cinema. When asked if there would be bloody or gory scenes, the Director Albert Langitan immediately replied the negative and said "love scenes". Hunky Mikael Daez and Pancho Magno is here so their presence alone makes it really conducive to showing some skin. It's intended not to be a horror flick but more of a drama which has been proven effective in the past projects of GMA like "Alakdana", "Kokak", "Pyra" and the likes. They are just making something along the lines type of drama and they've been researching about it for quite some time now. 

Rochelle Pangilinan

Rochelle isn't totally closing doors on the things that she's used to like dancing on GMA shows. She's been doing it for quite a number of years now and the thought of retiring from that is something that she's thinking about. You'll see a very good performance from her as Esmeralda in the series. Even on the first day, she has shown how she's been able to do justice on the mother "Awok" role. When her baby girl dies, she almost mimics a howling wolf if you've seen her on the first day. She was intense. Getting that feedback from us was something like a confirmation that she can do this and felt glad during the advanced screening of their show. She's also coming back to see Anassandra played by Andrea Torres when she's become of age. I feel there's going to be more things to look forward to aside from the story plot that we have seen especially the love angles that the guys are also going to be part of. 

Andrea Torres on the other hand looks stunning. She got really thinner than the last time I saw her. It's one of the preparations she did for the role. We didn't see her that much but we figured how she'll fit in on the story, also her role was done by a kid and she'll probably appear after a few days. Based on some of the clips in the series, she's really going to be a bit daring but nothing that people won't be appreciating for the afternoon prime slot it's in. I'm watching it now as I'm writing and it looks like we're going to be in an epic journey as she finds true love, or is it?

The show also stars Mikael Daez, Pancho Magno, Cris Villonco, Glydel Mercado, Emilio Garcia, Maria Isabel Lopez, Joyce Ann Burton, Arthur Solinap, Gabriel De Leon, Erika Padilla, and Mercedes Cabral. Be sure to watch it everyday right after Dading on GMA Afternoon Primetime.


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