Showing posts with label Mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mumbai. Show all posts

Mumbai Terror Attacks End : 160 Dead T_T

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Taj mahal Hotel in Mumbai, India engulfed in flames.

I watched CNN this morning and just heard horrible news. This is a sad day. 160 people are dead, among them are about 26 foreigners which comprise of Japanese, Australian, British and American guests of the hotel. 2 Filipinos were even among those left in the hotel for 2 days. They were not able to go out on the corridors and locked themselves inside 2 rooms drinking nothing but coffee in the ordeal.

It ended just today, but with the casualties amounting to these few foreigners and a lot of Indian civilians are just a shot in the arm for their government. A few strikes also were seen outside of Mumbai aside from this hotel. I hope people responsible for these attacks would be put to justice.

What if this happened to your country? What would you do huh?!


Mumbai, India Terror Attacks

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Firefighters try to douse a fire at the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, India.

Photo by Associated Press

I watched CNN this morning and saw the attacks in Mumbai, India. I saw a lot of people dead... last count was 120 I think... and they are still holding some hostages. I know a couple of people in that city because of my work... and some of them are also my blogging friends. I together with other people are extremely worried. This is a true act of terror.

Muslim Militants thought to be tied to extremists outside of this country stormed railway systems, business establishments and now this hotel this Wednesday and Thursday in a so called coordinated attack against this country, their prime minister said.This is creepy, he's one of the terrorists who stormed the Taj Mahal Hotel. Look at his face OMG! O_O

World leaders are appalled by the said act and urged the government of India to take quick actions to stop this acts of terror throughout their country. I just hope this does not happen to yours or my neighborhood! I pray that everyone would be safe... and these terrorists be put to justice after these attacks. As of this writing they are still holding hostages inside the building and in different locations around India. Let us pray for them that they get through this.
