Showing posts with label Nestle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nestle. Show all posts

It's Not Too Late with Boost

Sunday, August 20, 2017

My folks are in their 70's and they're still strong like bulls. They do get sick every once in a while but recover quite nicely if I may say so. I noticed how less they've eaten though and somehow became a little dependent on maintenance medicine. I'm sure there are a lot of you that have the same fears as I do because really, do they even get the right amount of nutrients they need to function?

Now I tried to be a good son and got them these Adult nutrition formulas from Nestle. Being a name I do trust over the years (Grandpa worked there!) I guess it's about time to include in their diet something that could replenish the vitamins and minerals they need that they couldn't consume by just eating. Boost Optimum for my Dad. He was an athlete and this would have helped a lot in his case as aging comes creeping in. The Vanilla flavor wasn't overly sweet, and can be mixed in a lot of other food items, but he takes it with just hot water. It actually tastes great, and he even has it with coffee. Weird I know, but it actually works. You get that flavored coffee vibe you order at Starbucks, right in the comforts of your own home.
This one a 50% whey protein blend that helps maintain muscle mass, we wouldn't want people to depend on bones only right? Plus it helps in digestion because it has probiotics (it's the good bacteria) plus the needed Vitamins B6, B12, Vitamin E for nerve and skin health. It's also Gluten-free and Lactose Free which would be good for those who are allergic from it.

Mom loves the Boost Energis. This helps the body recuperate from fatigue and getting too tired. Mom still goes out in errands, even perform with her senior group in various Quezon City events so she needs that extra kick that would keep her active almost the whole day, this is perfect.
Just like Optimum, Energis is also rich in high quality dairy protein. The 20 vitamins and minerals in it should take care of my Mom's health, gives what she needs to stay active the whole day. There's also no added sugar which is good for diabetics like her plus it's also okay for vegetarians. It's gluten free as well so those who are afraid of that ingredient should not worry.

I know how hard it would probably be to stay in touch of things that would be beneficial for my folks so the Boost Mobilis should provide the protein they need again for maintenance of muscle mass. Both of them need to remain strong, by providing nutrition for bones, the repair of it, including cartilage and those that would be good for skin.

The BOOST Optimum, Energis and Mobilis is available in leading supermarkets and drug stores nationwide. Healthy skin, muscle and bones would be a good investment. So if you're already in your 50's or know your loved ones need it, take a trip down the store and give them the gift of health. It's easy to even include in your grocery list, so go be a good son like I am LOL! Yes, it's not too late!


My Creamy Pork Adobo

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Chef Rob Pengson's Creamy Chicken Adobo, I'm up for a challenge!

It's been quite a while since I've been able to see how they cooked the Creamy Chicken Adobo. I'm sure you've seen my post here a couple of days back but I've been rearing to make this at home. I'm not a chef, but I do cook. I could call myself "experimental" if there's a word for it. I can cook really mean pork dishes and I don't hold back on flavor, but what made me a little giddy during that afternoon of cooking was that they challenged us, that every dish would be special if we had Nestle Cream in it. I'm up for that!

They gave us kitchen tools and bricks of Nestlé All Purpose Cream to make it easier to recreate the dish at home!

Now everyone has got their own Adobo recipe, mine's a little different because I want it to be a little spicy. I cooked with pork in lieu of chicken for dinner this evening as I wanted it to be a little "nutritious" too. I kid, of course I wanted a little fat on the dish!

Here's my recipe:

1/2 Kilogram Pork Steak cut into strips
2 Table Spoon Canola Oil
2/3 Cups Vinegar
1/2 Cup Maggi Soy Sauce
1/2 Tea Spoon Maggi Magic Sarap
3 Laurel Leaves
3 Cloves Garlic Crushed
1/2 Tea Spoon Sugar
1/2 Table Spoon Pepper Corn
1/2 Table Spoon Ground Pepper
1pc Thai Bird Chili
1/2 Cup Water
1 pack Nestle All Purpose Cream

Marinate the Pork First in 1 Table Spoon Maggi Soy Sauce for about 30 Minutes.  In a pan, pour in 2 Table Spoons of Canola Oil and let it become hot first. Drop in the pork strips and let it brown on the sides, then set it aside. On the same pan, pour in the vinegar and let it boil a little. Then put in the pork steak strips back, the garlic, then the rest of the Maggi Soy Sauce and the water. Add the peppercorns, a dash of pepper, the sugar, the Thai Bird Chili and half a tea spoon of Maggi Magic Sarap. You can also add the 3 Laurel Leaves and let it simmer. If the sauce reduces, turn off the heat and add in the Nestle All Purpose Cream. Make sure you mix it thoroughly. In a bowl, serve the Pork first in a mound then pour in the sauce. This is best paired with a cup or two of white rice. Enjoy!

The reason why I had the cream added at the end was to make it not separate from the oil. I like my Pork Adobo be extra creamy and it was so good I had seconds, no I had thirds!

They were right, adding Nestle Cream to everyday dishes can really make it special. When I had this dinner with my family this evening, they said the dish was weird. I waited a bit and voila! The rice for 5 people suddenly disappeared... and so did the Creamy Pork Adobo.

Thank you for letting me know that my everyday dishes CAN become VERY SPECIAL just by adding Nestle All Purpose Cream. You can do it too, trust me on the cream!


For more information about their product:
Nestle Cream
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Visit their official website

How to Make Creamy Chicken Adobo

Monday, July 18, 2016

 I was invited by our friends from Nestle the other week in an intimate event for bloggers. I was a bit surprised because I didn't know it was going to be this big even though we were just among friends, family who tagged along as it is a family event. I saw some of my blogger friends who often do food reviews in the mix - and the ambiance was pleasurable, saw so much food on the tables and a whole lechon in the middle. Although I found out later on, there's another star of the show. They call it Creamy Chicken Adobo. When I saw that on the tarp, I was like, for real?

Now I know for some, that would really be blasphemous but trust me... there's a bigger man who told me this would actually work. I saw him working on the recipe while I was walking around the venue. See him in the center? :)

Yes! Be still your hearts ladies, it's the good looking Chef Rob Pengson! He's got several restaurants to his belt, tons of TV appearances and love from the best people in the industry. Now he told us that it is possible to make a Creamy Chicken Adobo. How can we even worry right?

So he had us educated about how to cook the Creamy Chicken Adobo. I do actually cook so I think the ingredients he used was quite common if you're cooking the usual chicken adobo. The difference between his recipe and mine is that I do add a little sugar on my recipe and that's about it. He also uses Maggi Magic Sarap and the new Maggi Soy Sauce.

 Now I think it would be advisable to actually be careful in putting salt as there are already some ingredients that are on the salty side. You'll also need peppercorn, ground pepper, garlic and bay leaf. I call them the usual suspects.

I think you can cook a big whole chicken with these ingredients. Just chop it up via adobo cut, clean it up and set aside. Then don't forget the ingredient that will make your ordinary Chicken Adobo become the Creamy Chicken Adobo, of course it's the Nestle All Purpose Cream!

So Chef Rob taught us to make the sauce first. He put the vinegar to a slow boil, Maggi soy sauce, a pinch of Maggi Magic Sarap, bay leaf and pepper in one pot. He then put the chicken in the mixture, let it simmer a bit and set it aside. We fried the chicken in oil, then the garlic on one side of the pan. We set some of it aside so we could put it on top later. When the chicken becomes a little brown on the sides, pour the mixture in and let it simmer. Be careful not to leave it on high as the sauce might evaporate, just make the sauce boil until you see it's enough for serving later (of course it's lovely on top of rice too). Then serve to your family and friends. 

Oh but wait! He's not going to let us off that easy! He got the bloggers to work on their cooking skills and try the recipe if they can replicate it. Well I think these guys are good in the kitchen to begin with so it looked really easy!

Jill and Yen were pros, as Yen had previously cooked Creamy Chicken Adobo already. This is her third time.

They also waited patiently for the Chicken to cook. I didn't join them technically I was just shouting on the sidelines some suggestions how to plate it. I think it worked! Ha-ha!
The hard part was waiting for it, because it smelled so good at the venue we really wanted to eat it!

Then after cooking the Chicken Adobo, we turned off the fire and poured in a brick of Nestle All Purpose Cream.

They mixed it in and let it set for a while.

Then Chef Rob started to come up to the stations and tasted their final product. They compared the dish with the other groups and they ended up making a different version. It's normal and he even encouraged it!
This was the Creamy Chicken Adobo that Chef Rob Pengson made. It was more sauce and on the creamy side.

He also used Nestle All Purpose Cream for this dish. He then said that you can add this to almost all our dishes to make it special. Judging from the Creamy Chicken Adobo, it makes sense!
Chef Rob tasted the entry of Yen and Jill, I think he liked it!

Plating it was tough, they boiled the chicken long so with less liquid plus the cream, the sauce was thick and yummy!

By my standards, this is gorgeous. Now I think I'm going to try this out at home and perhaps add in a few spices to make it my version of Creamy Chicken Adobo. Maybe I can add a little chili to get that little kick I always love!

In the end, they were all winners! I couldn't agree more! You know, I think this is very easy. You can make any dish special as long as you make it for the people that you love, and a little help from Nestle All Purpose Cream. So if you've got that favorite recipe you've been inching to tweak a bit, make it special by putting in that one ingredient. It'll cost you a couple of pesos but once that your family gets a taste of it, it'll be worth it! The happiness you'll feel though, would be priceless!

Wouldn't you want that to happen? Create with Cream.


For more information about their product:
Nestle Cream
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