Showing posts with label O Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O Shopping. Show all posts

Shop at the Comforts of Your Own Home with O SHOPPING!

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Been blessed to have been able to witness the launch of ABS CBN's newest channel O SHOPPING. This is a joint venture between Korean giant CJ O Shopping Corporation and Manila's ABS-CBN Corporation. They met halfway with the other needing each other if you know what I mean. 

Mr. Lopez himself admittedly said they had some challenges with the previous shopping network that they put up; and CJ O Shopping Corporation had everything that they lacked before, and more. The solid supply chain with world class products coming from all over the Asian region plus their steadfast capability to deliver right at your doorstep. ABSCBN's whole media and online arm is one of the country's best and they'll have that part of the bargain taken cared of. 

CJ O Shopping Corporation's CEO Lee Hae Sun stated that the Philippines prove to be one of the largest markets in Southeast Asia. They have already been doing so good in other countries and it's time that they invest in a country where shopping and convenience should be a way of life. They'll do just that with the help of ABSCBN as a great partner to enter something that they've been wishing for all along.

The dry run had very encouraging results and sales have been evidently good according to the local managers and they are preparing to release more products soon. O Shopping's lineup include kitchen, home, exercise and beauty products. I must say, I'm very tempted to purchase those pots and pans, plus the exercise equipment. I can cook while working out LOL

They even tried to order for us through phone and we got the shock of our life when we got the package after a minute. The delivery guy suddenly appeared!

See? It's just a call away, it's stress free and you can even check out its features running on 24/7 daily programs through Sky Cable or Global Destiny... or watch it on free TV through Channel 2 and 23 on the wee hours o the morning. Now we can be at par with China, Japan, India, Turkey, Thailand, and Vietnam; let's shop at the comforts of our own home! Call 800-0000, 800-1000 or 800-7000 now!

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