Showing posts with label One More Chance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One More Chance. Show all posts

John Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo in "A Second Chance"

Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm probably just one of the millions waiting for this second installment of the John Lloyd - Bea starrer "One More Chance" where generations upon generations got hooked with the love story of Popoy and Basha. We have all sulked, cried, laughed, loved and learned that what may seem to be an impossible situation, still spark hope if deep inside you still love each other. Yes, you can say Pinoys are very melodramatic, even mushy than that. Though in this day and age, that story taught us a lot of things and reminded us to hold on to relationships if you can say that with all the pain... it's worth it!

Ms. Cathy Garcia Molina was initially hesitant to do a sequel because the first one was already super successful that people might expect a lot of things and she wouldn't do it. After 8 long years, of course... a lot would have already changed between the actors and the characters they portray. The marriage, the love, the affinity that got lost somewhere in time. We all know that's not gonna be easy, nor do we expect it would be a real happy ending... But we do hope this movie might turn out just right to make us think. To also make us believe it would still be something good between Popoy and Basha when the trust, the love somehow gets blurred in the process. 

Here's the grand presscon on video including some excerpts of the Q&A with the cast this evening:

Here are some photos from the same event too:

A Second Chance will show on theaters this November 25, 2015 and is produced by the good people from Star Cinema. Bea Saw (who's roaring for a comeback in the industry), Janus del Prado (the dramatic but funny bestfriend), Ahron Villena (who looks like is having a wonderful pairing with a YFSF contestant) were also there too during the presscon. Btw, you must watch this because Direk Cathy just spilled earlier that John Lloyd has butt exposures and Bea is a little more matured so you can only expect she's going to do what a proper house wife would do. Don't say I didn't warn you!

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