Showing posts with label Partying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Partying. Show all posts

Cozy, Fun, Dining and Partying at Izumi Sake Bar and Lounge!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

One quaint evening at the posh Burgos Circle, we were invited for dinner and a few rounds of drinks. The place was called Izumi Sake Bar and Lounge. It was all we need to have a great time. 

The 2 floor bar had this distinct upscale club feel. The dark interior and exterior was a welcome sight to crowds especially on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays where it usually gets packed! It's not my first time in the area but realizing how good the place looks like and the things I heard happening here, I realized that I was missing a lot!

The bar was nice. It was a mix of wood, bamboo, painted planks, stainless steel and glass. It was like a neo Japanese approach and they said they have changed quite a number of times since the place called for it. They also got DJ's on event nights and they take pride making this the place to be in BGC.

They've got a wide array of liquor and spirits on hand. I even saw sake bottles on the wall and in the rest of the palisades inside Izumi.

Starting off, we had a couple of glasses of Merlot. I loved it! This was the time for chilling and having this one right off the bat was perfect.

The bar's menu had a lot of pica pica style servings. It's perfect for groups and barkadas. This one is called Spicy Edamame. Snow peas slowly flipped around a hot griddle sprinkled with chili powder, salt, pepper and spices. It'll get you started and make you a little thirsty for more booze.

Their menu was special because it involves fusion dishes. This in particular is the Maguro Izumiyaki, a bestseller since they opened a couple of years ago. Even though they have changed menus this was always asked by the crowd. It was so nice to see a bar that also gives so much detail and attention to food than just their beverages. This seared tuna rolled in sesame seeds dipped in soy sauce and wasabe was sweet and a bit chewy. It tasted so fresh and filling. No wonder people love this dish! 

This is Salmon Poke, a concoction of coconut cream and fresh salmon sashimi seasoned and mixed together. It was a sweet savory treat more on the coconutty side. The leaves kinda give you something to wrap it on, it was cold and fresh. Yummy!

One of my favorites on their menu is this Soy Chicken and Mushroom Gyoza. It was so good and I love it dipped in dark Soy Sauce. It was sweet and savory. These pan stickers are a must try. If you had a choice of starters make this one part of it.

Chef Him Uy Debaron came out and explained to us the concept of his menu and how each dish was carefully prepared. He studied in the famous Le Cordon Bleu in Austrailia and I know how painstakingly hard it is to train there. I know a couple of chefs who came from that school and am quite impressed with their standards. This is no different. I congratulated him for preparing everything for us that evening.

Tori Karrage prepared with 3 sauces, tamarind with ginger, mandarin and barbecue. You get to change whenever you get tired of the sauce. It makes you play with your food a little. I had lots of this haha!

If you are up for something fresh, they've got this awesome Softshell Crab Harumaki. You'll feel that crunchy veggie goodness and a spark of crabby taste inside. If you don't like anything oily this is perfect.

We proceeded to the second floor for mains and they had this gigantic shelves that contain Sake bottles. Which reminds me, I haven't had sake yet (which I'm gonna tell you about later).

The second floor had more seating. It was wider and probably where most of the action is. We kinda got a clue why...

 Yes, it is what you want to see gentlemen. If you've got a date who wants to party and have fun, a stripper pole ain't that bad eh? :) No wonder ladies frequent this joint! Men would love to see this for sure!

 Feast your eyes on this! It's Salmon Steak marinated in Sake, Soy Sauce and Mirin. It's done over the grill so you've got that smokey flavor with it. I love the large bean sprouts that came with it since it's a bit chewy and more on the earthy side. It's a large serving so you should share this with someone.

 Butabara or Pork Belly on Skewers was a hit! It had that awesome Japanese flavor and the juicy meat just takes you to heaven and back. It's something filling and you can cut the fat with the side dishes that come with it.

 Aside from that, this made me really happy. I talked a lot after this. LOL! It's so good they have the obvious Sake in the menu. It completes the whole neo Japanese experience. It's like everything came full circle and I was in for more!

Another favorite was this Portabello Mushroom Steak. It was roasted to perfection. I could tell it was even meatier than real meat. It just satisfied me a lot. I wanted to go vegetarian after this one. But really, I'm kidding haha!

 After a long night of binging and drinking, Izumi Sake Bar had this on their menu. This is Curry Tonkatsu Ramen. You can either put the pork tonkatsu on it or have it eaten separately. It was something different and oh boy I love it! Maybe if we can have bread/dinner roll or something to break its thickness it'll be perfect. Not too spicy.

My ultimate favorite, (and I'll go back for more of this in Izumi Sake Bar soon) is the Mapo Tofu Ramen. I uber love spicy food and with this to eat after a long night of drinking or hangovers it'll be the perfect way to get you back into shape. In Japan, they go for Ramen in the evening so they won't have any problems the morning after (the hangover I mean!). I wanted more of this and for sure it'll be great comfort food for anyone, anytime, anywhere!

The owner Ms. Sarah Figueroa said they are open for events and parties. Most have actually rented out the top floor. Their food might look Japanese but it gets fusion inspiration from other dishes. It was authentic and bang for the buck. They are open from 6AM -1AM Mondays and Tuesdays,   6AM - 3AM on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturday and sometimes Sundays. You can also get 30 percent off on all items if u go to and print out their vouchers there. They've got wine, liquor, sake, awesome food plus a stripper pole :) Why in the world shouldn't you go and experience IZUMI Sake Bar and Lounge. It's something that you deserve after work! Make sure you also avail of their bottle promos; on drinks like tequila, vodka, jager etc, it wouldn't hurt if you ask! As for me, I'll be back there soon!

For table reservations and queries, call them at (02)8564090 | 09273489105

Keep checking their FACEBOOK PAGE/TWITTER Account for CONTESTS and PROMOS!

Izumi Sake Bar and Restaurant
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