Showing posts with label Phil Younghusband. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Younghusband. Show all posts

Allison Harvard and Phil Younghusband for Sprinto

Friday, March 28, 2014

Guess who just opened their first kiosk/shop over at The Block at SM North Edsa? Yes, you heard that right, it's Sprinto. They didn't just opened shop, but they also had a couple of surprises in store for those who love their eye wear. They were already letting us have a preview of their current models plus a mere countdown to summer via their Color Clash campaign set here and other cities like Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore. 

We gasped at the sight of those sunnies. From classic shades, to shaped ones, aviators and durable sports grade eye wear, Sprinto has got it all. They don't compromise one thing though... and that's quality.

I thought I've seen her before. Oh yes, she's one of the finalists in My Foreignay if I'm not mistaken. She's wearing Sprinto eye wear! Cool!

She even brought her model friends with her. See? It's the perfect thing to wear this summer!

Whether you're out on the beach or just posing away at the mall, Sprinto eye wear would just be the perfect thing to complement your outfit. These ladies looked HOT!

Then, Sprinto's first ever endorsers in the Philippines arrived!

Now you can't say that's only local endorsements if you have Allison Harvard of America's Next Top Model, nor would you discount Phil Younghusband, a famed International Football player adored by fans of the Azkals!

Isn't she pretty? I love her! Isn't Phil Younghusband good looking? :)

There's a drawback having eyes like Allison's because she can't really stay outside and frolic in the sun like the rest of us. She needs better protection for her eyes, so this really is a good endorsement for her. It's meant to be! Still, don't we just love her blue eyes?! :)

Phil on the other hand stays out in the sun for hours because of the games he play. If he can, he really makes it a point to wear Sprinto eye wear when that happens. It's his first line of protection when there's harmful UV rays.

Fashion wise, Allison says she stays with Sprinto because it doesn't just look good on her but the quality is something that she'd be proud of when endorsing this brand. She is simple, but when she goes for those andorgenous looks she's well known for, Sprinto can still be wearable. Perfect for models like her!

The 3rd CLEAR Dream Match Launch

Monday, March 10, 2014

It all started a few years ago with a dream. Phil and James Younghusband together with CLEAR the #1 anti dandruff shampoo has partnered with the biggest football club in the world Manchester United announced just recently the third giving of CLEAR DREAM MATCH to finally settle the score since they are tied 1-1 in the last two matches.

Tuloy foundation home of the abandoned kids will be the beneficiary running three years now. Aside from that, legendary players from Manchester United will be playing alongside kids from the CLEAR DREAM MATCH trials that they have initiated just for this final match. 

Names like Andy Cole and Paul Schole were announced but who knows, there could be more!

James admitted he wasn't prepared the first year but with better management they have won last year. Phil was trash talking and said they had the worst officiating last year that's why they won. He also says he's up one point and they won't settle for a draw. This is going to be an exciting match, so make sure you watch out for the announcment of the venue. Hopefully the weather cooperates this time! :) See you on June 7 when it kicks off! :)

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The DOLE-licious Day!

Monday, August 19, 2013

It was an awesome DOLEICIOUS day last weekend when Dole put up another event at the posh Eastwood City neighborhood. Together with their endorsers, they brought fun and exciting contests to the enjoyment of the crowd. Imagine Phil Younghusband, Jon Avila, Bianca Valerio and Chef Jeremy Favia interacting and having fun with kids and adults during the "This is my DOLE" event.

I have never seen Phil this enthusiastic and so very GAME playing with his fans. It was awesome that they get to see him in a different light. He was so nice and made his portion very light. It was also the same with the other celebrities.

We were also treated to a very nice dance number by 38 degrees. They got energy like the energizer bunny. They jived to modern tunes that the crowd also enjoyed!

Then Dole announced the winners for their video contest. All the winners had their videos included in the official "This is my DOLE" commercial. Now, they're going to become celebrities too because it will be shown in public TV soon! We watched it that evening and it was so nice to see real people included in it!

Some of the winners also volunteered to perform their version of the "This is my DOLE" jingle. It was nice and they carried tunes well. The crowd even sang with them on some parts. LSS bigtime!

Phil Younghusband, Jon Avila, Bianca Valerio and Chef Jeremy Favia made sure they got their point across. They encouraged Moms, Dads, Teens, children of all ages to make it a habit to have one or more DOLE products in their diet to have the daily allowances of Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber. It's not only healthy, but it's so good too!

Congratulations to DOLE for making this day worthwhile. Thank you for their awesome existence. With them in the Philippine market, we get to enjoy life's best fruit and juices in personal servings that's always available in nearby stores nationwide! I'm so looking forward to the next events with DOLE!

Addendum: We also go to meet the endorsers back stage, they were all so nice! :)

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