If you hear the name alone, you probably expect some of the most beautiful creations ever known to man. He's been headlined at most fashion magazines in and outside the country. America's Next Top Model in fact has quite clearly made him a household name. A definite pride for the country, Michael Cinco stepped back to his mother country and did the next best thing... he launched his own fragrance called IMPALPABLE under BENCH.
My jaw just dropped when I saw the setting for this show!

The whole venue was transformed into a Greecian inspired Shangri-la. It was complete with luxurious feathers hanging over trees, a caesarian bust, plus a swing and gazebo on the set. The dried leaves and smoke completes the ambiance making this heavenly feel they were trying to emulate. This alone was impressive. The set design was truly given so much detail. Bench really knows how to do things.
Then this editorial video played before the show, those doe eyes just haunt me oh Allison Harvard you are so beautiful!
This is my first time to see his show. I've only seen videos but this is TOTALLY different!
Kids came out bearing these small lamps that flicker in the dark. It was eerie but so proper for that small winter night feel they were going for.
Then this gorgeous and angelic model came out..

As the lights hit the dress from every corner of the runway it was sheer elegant. I've never seen fabric that looked so much like an angel's skin. I really thought I was watching angels coming down from heaven! I love Jasmine Meierhofer! I saw her in DPP a few years ago. She's perfect to open the show!
Each piece was hand crafted, intricately designed, beaded and so heavenly I dare not post small photos for this collection. It was pretty hard to take photos because it was so dark and needed that DRAMA. It was all worth it!
Does she look familiar?
Of course she is! She's Dominique Reighard known for her appearance on America's Next Top Model Cycle 10! Yes ladies and gentlemen, they just sent us to heaven and back when she walked the runway for Michael Cinco and global brand BENCH! This was the part that just unscrewed my jaw (jaw dropped)!
As if that wasn't impressive enough... this doe eyed phenom just happened to be there too!
I love you Allison Harvard! Truly God must have spent a little more time on you than the rest of the women in the world!
I was so lucky because after she went around the runway, she went on the swing that was a couple of meters right in front of me!
I had my own shoot! :D
Then I knew she really LOOKED AT ME! *dies*
She really played the part. Did I say how much I LOVE HER?! :)

She was really gorgeous that even if she had her back on me I was still shooting!
Thank you so much BENCH for bringing these gorgeous ladies to Philippine shores! Allison Harvard and Dominique Reighard, OH HOW I LOVE THEE!
Then after that, these equally gorgeous guys came out to play with these goddesses! (warning girls! NSFW)

Then they went out again and posed for the last time! It was so wonderful to see all the gorgeous facets of BENCH in one great show! Congratulations on this collection Michael Cinco! Your work is definitely superb! I can't stop thinking of each piece, everything is so memorable!
I hope you guys enjoy the photos even if it was really smoky there! Thank you so much to BENCH for bringing Allison and Dominique to the Philippines! I am not surprised why Allison wanted to be adopted in the Philippines. You made ours and their experience truly special! Congratulations on a jam packed and successful show for Philippine Fashion Week! This is how you do it! BRAVO!
See you on the runway next season!
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