Showing posts with label Piattos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piattos. Show all posts

URC Remains on Top for Filipino Consumers

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Looks like the classic products from Universal Robina Corporation are getting the nod of Filipino consumers especially in fast moving consumer goods available in the market. This includes Great Taste coffee, placing 9th in FMCG according to Kantar's Brand Footprint study which was done in 2022. They have placed 4th most chosen one in 2021, a huge improvement also happened from being in 15th in FMCG ranking.

Kantar employs consumer reach points (CRP) which measurement depends on shoppers buying habits and what brand it is. In it Great Taste performed well with 424 Million CRP this year compared to 283 Million last year. 75.8 percent is big, and being chosen for over 20 times per annum is a remarkable number.

If you've been out in groceries like me, you've probably seen their new products too as part of their expansion. The GT Supreme line includes the Toffee Hazelnut and the Black Forest Latte (which I love!).

Aside from that, cult loved snack Piattos and C2 also got include in the top 20 food brands in the Philippines. The chip got 7th place with a whopping 183 Million CRP's while the tea drink got 16th place from last year's 19th place. This also got sold with 74 Million CRP's, which is quite a significant amount (but we're not surprised because it's that good!). This feat has been acknowledged by Pearl Benjamin who's a Senior Account Manager for Kantar Worldpanel. URC continues to also grow in the ASEAN region, and is also releasing products for consumers.

Congratulations URC! You're awesome!


It's Time To Level Up Your Piattos Time!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

You always see yourself having a bag or two of Piattos whenever you get one from the shelf. Supermarket, Groceries, Convenience Stores just won't feel complete without it. Every time you need something to munch on, it ALWAYS seem to be the go to chips no matter what the occasion. That's awesome already, but Jack'n Jill feels it's time for you to LEVEL UP!

They just launched the #PiattosTime Video Challenge where they encourage YOU to make your personal time more CREATIVE while enjoying PIATTOS Cheese, Sour Cream and Onion, Roadhouse BBQ, Nacho Pizza and Roast Beef. All you have to do is make a 15-30 second video about how YOU would LEVEL UP your PIATTOS time. You must post it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #PiattosTime and tag at least 3 friends on the post. You may submit a maximum of 2 entries via their microsite 

18 contestants who would do their best will get GoPro kits. 3 of the best will get a Southeast Asian trip for 2 to Bali, Hong Kong or Bangkok. The grand prize will be included in a digital commercial at the end of the promo. Make sure you check out their Facebook page at or their microsite today! 

Oh and YES I joined too! Now how about you?

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