Showing posts with label Prince Villanueva. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Villanueva. Show all posts

GMA Artist Center's Hottest Boys of Summer Jak Roberto, Prince Villanueva, James Teng and Elyson De Dios

Saturday, April 02, 2016

If looks could kill, the boys we talked to a few days ago would have been a massacre. Some of GMA Artist Center's prized men sat down with us to tell us a little something about how they'll be spending their summer vacation. I know everyone's been eager to do that in a few days and I guess this is quite timely. We know it's hot outside and perhaps we're covering this to make you feel even hotter, we talked to them over banana splits!

What's better than ice cream in a hot afternoon? GMA Artist Center offers Jak Roberto, Prince Villanueva, James Teng and Elyson De Dios. They're doing different shows and projects right now, but aside from their acting prowess, what might actually be interesting is these guys don't have that much chance to talk to their fans or perhaps people to get to know them.