Showing posts with label Reverse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reverse. Show all posts

Stop Unwanted Calls

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I like many of you receive numerous calls from telemarketers who hound us every single day when we least expect it. I received a call from somebody one day when I got home from work. I was tired and almost fell asleep then I hurriedly went to the phone because they said someone was looking for me. When i answered it, lo and behold it was just the pizza company asking if I would purchase their latest. I almost did burst into madness; imagine the rest, quiet and peace I could have gotten if they did not call. I already asked them countless times to take me off their list but they continue to call me at times when I should be resting already. Oh boy I was really in for a nightmare.

I even called their branch manager to attention but they never stopped. I would now have to talk to them personally and visit that branch so I get to confront these people who don't really get it. I love pizza don't get me wrong, but I don't have to be bothered each day to prove that. We're all doing our job but everybody should be considerate enough to get off the list if you asked them to.

Good thing we have sites like that provides Reverse Phone Lookup services so we can trace these pesky telemarketers and rid of them for good. We need to make sure those prank callers and unwanted calls get filtered. Stop getting those non identifying cell phone numbers now.


Free Reverse Phone Lookup

Friday, January 02, 2009


Telephone directory services in the US only would utilize giving you the information if you have the name of the person or business you inquired about. What if you are stuck and lost some place and the only thing you have is the phone number/area code? Where else would you go? Who do you talk to next?

The Area Code Finder website gives us free information about the general area and city of a US phone number. Their website would give you the chance to know the number's owner, city address, phone's general location/addressee, plan members, and phone company/carrier. Thorough information about the user that you need to locate friends, families and loved ones. Mobile phones and unlisted numbers are also included in their huge data base. Take the chance to reconnect, go back to people that you love. Get the information you need now.
