Showing posts with label Riot Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riot Games. Show all posts

VALORANT AGENT 19 NEON Out, Featuring YLONA GARCIA's "Entertain Me!"

Thursday, January 06, 2022

VALORANT has just released the full trailer for new Agent 19 NEON, an electric laden runner with fast mobility and speed from Manila, Philippines. Voice actor Vanille Velasquez got the opportunity to do this new duelist. Proudly, I am glad to inform you that our very own international recording Aussie Filipino artist Ylona Garcia  just released ENTERTAIN ME for this particular occasion in partnership with Riot Games and Valorant.

Entertain Me is a synth pop number that talks about female empowerment, and signified she won't be controlled or fooled by anyone. This is produced by DNA and written by Ylona, David Musmeci and Antonio Egizii. This is under PARADISE RISING/88rising Music which we have written about a couple months back. I've heard it during the singing parts of this video right here which was released by Valorant yesterday.

Now I don't know if there's any confirmation, but NEON actually looks like Ylona in some angles. The teaser trailer entitled "Nanay" which was released a few days ago also personified NEON as someone who misses home, her mom, very Filipino. She made a very tropical looking room and the good guys in the game actually liked it. I play this religiously so I'm going to be so proud hearing more about NEON, this song by Ylona as she becomes an even bigger star in the international stage. She's 19 and she's just starting!


Big Promos with Riot Games and Globe

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Globe has another promo coming up with one of the leading gaming companies Riot Games and it's going to be BIG. It's called RiotGo80 wherein you can get up to 5GB of data plus a chance to unlock special items in game. 
Ms. Rina Siongco says "This is a special treat from Globe and Riot Games. We've been connecting to family and friends during the pandemic through Wildrift. We have continued to support them through tournaments and tours via the Philippine Pro League. As part of our commitment, we bring innovations to Philippine gamers. We've developed the best experience to Wildrift. Globe All Access Data plus Leage of Legends in Game Content for subscribing to RiotGo80. It's a pleasure working with Riot and the LOL community. Keep on gaming! See you on the rift! With Globe, atin ang  mundo!"

Globe Prepaid brand head Eric Tanbauco says "Globe has always been in the forefront of gaming, we aspire to find new and exciting things for our customers. For Filipino gamers, we have always wanted to increase your experience. GoPlay80 gave gigs so you can keep on playing, improvement of 4G networks and launched 5G. Coupled with this is our new promo, RiotGo80. Free Champions, emotes, icons, all in game and can be accessed on the Globe One App and GCash including 5 Gig of data for any site or their gaming needs."

Mark Sargeant of Riot Southeast Asia says "We want to level up the gaming experience of everyone in the Philippines. Wild Rift is a MOBA and is part of League of Legends, and now that it's accessible via mobile platform, you can unlock in game goodies. You need RiotGo80 to unlock these which if you would grind for it, would take lots of time. You'll have a champion that would suit your style, in addition, you can get icons within the game plus Filipino flare with a Poro character and a jeepney on emoticons. If you need to return to base, you will have a recall effect that will be in style."

Justin Hulog the GM of Riot Games in Southeast Asia says "We know how important mobile games are in the Philippines, which is why we have them on Alpha test right now. Player response on Wild Rift is just overwhelming. We now have teams playing on ESports, and we're constantly looking for brands with like minded ideas hence this partnership with Globe. We want user experience to be the best, then elevate it. You'll see more of this for 2021 and beyond. We'll have more for the fans soon, so please enjoy!"

They also have options to add on more data if you're a little too hungry streaming games, videos while playing Wild Rift. It's fun (I've tried it!) more so if you've got family or friends enjoying each game while we're all still locked in on our homes. See you at the rift!