Showing posts with label Sam Verzosa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam Verzosa. Show all posts

Health and Beauty Coffee Brand "Luxxe White Coffee" Launched at MOA Arena

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Coffee is just something that I look forward to in the morning, a cup or two a day would be a norm. It's a ritual for millions of people everyday, and it does more for your body than just jump start your day. Research shows (from Mayo Clinic) that moderate intake lowers the risks of premature death in certain illnesses. What's even better is that there's a new health and beauty coffee brand launched last month at Mall of Asia Arena called "Luxxe White Coffee".  

This one's a little different as it's got Premium Japan Collagen to promote skin elasticity, Japan sourced content for detox and brightening your skin. This also has L-Carnitine, Spirulina, Barley, Grape Seed, Mangosteen, and Garcinia Cambogia for reducing fat and appetite.This blend makes the coffee have butterscotch notes, and has Stevia as sweetener (so no worries if you are watching your sugar intake). Frontrow CEO Sam Verzosa dubs this as the easiest way to do self care while enjoying a cup each morning. Wouldn't that be a good thing to have everyday?

Frontrow Mentor Richmond Yu adds "We really thought about this product before releasing it in the market. This took years of conceptualization and meticulous production of me, RS and Sam to make sure it benefits every user."

At the launch, they also gave recognition for top FRONTROW Distributors, their 137 Millionaires, over 80 new car and 59 property owners. All have achieved milestones in their careers while making sure to market and sell Beauty Soaps, their Korean Skin Care line and supplements which are pretty well known for its efficacy and quality in the country.

Now they have the new Luxxe White Coffee to showcase and enjoy themselves. Now that it's out in the market, you get the chance to take care of your skin, your health, and your loved ones. You can get them today via FRONTROW authorized distributors nationwide.


Sam Verzosa's "DEAR SV" Starts Broadcast on GMA

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Looks like there will be more reasons to watch DEAR SV, which is on its 3rd season and will now be broadcasted on GMA. Previously, it was on CNN Philippines where Sam Verzosa tried to target folks with inspiring stories, in hopes to showcase them, learn, help and possibly change their lives through sustainable businesses.

Sam Verzosa says "All of the things I received from God and the success I got in life, I'd be willing to share with others and lend a hand. The show is filled with tories of  hope, if you have a wish for someone else, DEAR SV is going to be there. I lived a hard life, but this didn't stop me from working hard and get ourselves (and my family) out of poverty. Thank you so much for spending time with me today." 

Volleybelle and actress Michelle Gumabao hosted the press conference, I remember her from Smart events.

He adds "It's a very humbling experience to have been able to be with them for a few days and see how they live their lives on a daily basis. From tricycle drivers, to a man with odd jobs in order to care of his son who has cerebral palsy, to a rider who now has his own bike because of the show, we were able to showcase their lives on Dear SV. My inspiration has always been my Dad, my late Father made me realize how we look at people , to see what they go through even at their condition. There are a lot of people who need our help, it changed my outlook, and I hope it goes the same for those who watch the show and do the same. I've already seen some of the people in Frontrow do their charity work, they learn from stories of ordinary people. "

Aside from employment and sports programs, Sam Verzosa has been spearheading several businesses, and recently won Philanthropist of the Year Award by American Association of the Philippines in 2020 and 2021. He (together with business partner RS Francisco) also got recognized as Humanitarians of the Year by People Asia Magazine.

He talked about making episodes of this show and said "During shoots, I am in my comfort zone because I'm just being myself, I eat what they eat and accompany them wherever they go. It's like an immersion, and I'm so happy to have been able to do this in the show."

Here's our event coverage on video, please enjoy!

DEAR SV will be in GMA every Saturdays at 11:30PM. It's not just for public service, but will tell stories of different individuals that will make you learn more about life, hope and perhaps inspire other people further. While it was already doing good during the CNN Philippines time, there will be a wider audience when it gets shown on GMA. The show has heart, and hopefully you'll feel that too. Make sure you spend time see it on weekends, and on GMA's YouTube if you miss episodes.


Congressman SAM VERZOSA Promises More Inspiring Stories on Season 3 of "Dear SV" at CNN Philippines

Friday, August 18, 2023


I've been looking forward to see Congressman Sam Verzosa who represents the indigents, of those residing in urban locations, the youth and the elderly through the party list "Tutok To Win". He's starting the third season of his public affairs show "Dear SV" shown on CNN Philippines during his birth month, and is quite excited about the plans they have for future episodes.

The show plans to put the young Congressman in immersions, to live with the actual people they plan to help. To give you an idea, they meet people from all walks of life. The goal is, to feature their inspiring stories on why they continue to make a living despite life's challenges. Cong SV says "If the old, the kids work hard doing these things, I'm sure the most able bodied ones would be inspired to do the same and help others."

Here's part of our little chat that afternoon

He treats all these as blessings and shares "My family keeps me grounded, they keep me focused on my goals, my advocacies and purpose. I have a lot on my plate, I am just lucky to have been able to do a lot of these because I believe God put me here. He gave me opportunities to be able to share these to the world, and help others,to also change lives. I am happy to see that people are also doing the same after seeing the show. From our company alone, I've seen them on the road, going out there and helping too. I want to do this for the rest of my life. I'm just maximizing what I can do for my community and also make changes in laws, I have a duty to make a movement because I know my purpose."

When asked about his stint at "Tutok To Win" a few years ago, he says "Kuya Wil actually trained me, he asked me to sit with him during one show, that's where I learned and practiced at home. Everyday is an experience, you can feel what they feel when you are there. I get to see their happiness, their sadness, hosting my own show had me ask people about their struggles and get to know them."
About his motivation, he adds "I am happy about what I'm doing, aside from doing business, I help people, I get to change lives, I've been given a platform to be able to be heard even with a wider audience. I'll try doing this to change not just communities, but bigger ones and the country. As for now, I'll do this because I found my purpose, in life you always ask that question, there are tons of people that have more work ethic and because I have the capacity to help, I'll do it."

If you want to learn more about the causes he supports and foundations he's helping, make sure to watch "Dear SV" startiing Saturday night of September, at 7:30PM. This will also be replayed on CNN Philippines the next day so make sure you catch it!

I'd like to take this bit to thank Congressman Sam Verzosa (who also Co-chairs Poverty Alleviation) for being so nice earlier. He gamely answered questions even after the presser, to say the least, it was refreshing to talk to someone albeit super successful but still remained so grounded. Again, thank you!