Showing posts with label Shizuka Minamoto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shizuka Minamoto. Show all posts

YOU MUST WATCH: Stand By Me Doraemon

Monday, June 15, 2015

I wasn't too keen watching this movie called "Stand By Me Doraemon" because I thought it was going to be just for kids. The cinema was filled around 50% adults and about 50% kids. Well okay, about 70% kids. I was still excited though because among all the Japanese cartoons I've watched, I felt Doraemon was just in my alley. I like the cute antics he does but not the Tagalized version that made it a little cheap. The English and Japanese version I must say pays attention to the little things, and it doesn't make me get bored because they try so hard interpreting the cartoon in a big way too much that it looks OA. This Doraemon movie is in English, it's probably also meant to be shown on 3D judging from the camera angles and story flow.

I must tell you, I loved the story. I also love the part that they're still finding humor in everyday situations and why it's important to be sane in these times when everybody's connected to technology. They also are giving us lessons in how we can have love, relationships, and learn even without it. You will also learn why bullying is not a good thing to do, something your kids can really pick up from while you explain things. The cat from the future isn't just a robot, because he'll make you realize the value of friendship, and how important it is to value the time you spend with friends and family. I must say, I even saw some of the adults in my row crying in the dark watching this movie. If they got affected that much, I'm sure most of you will too. It's excellent in my books, watch it as they show the film on June 17, 2015 in all major theaters!

You MUST watch this movie!


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