Showing posts with label Sparkle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sparkle. Show all posts

Made Me Cry Twice: CHANCES ARE, YOU AND I in Theaters Today!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The night was indeed stellar at the SM Megamall Cinemas because of the red carpet premiere of CHANCES ARE, YOU AND I which stars hunky Kelvin Miranda and the angelic Kira Balinger. We had the chance to talk to the stars a few weeks back, but this time, I'd like to concentrate more on the actual movie which we got to see last night May 28, 2024.

It's about two strangers who had the same fate, finding their lives intertwined at very interesting points. The hospitals wouldn't be just providing care, but a launch pad for realizations and grounds for what seem to be "opposite personalities" at first, then became that tiny flame that would ignite care, an adventure, special friendships, and love.

Do not at any instance downplay this movie to be just a cute chick flick. Kelvin has been recently awarded the Most Prolific Dramatic Actor Award at the Jinseo Arigato Film Festival in Nagoya, Japan. Kira on the other hand had several scenes to pull heartstrings, which is surprising to see for a neophyte lead in this film. They didn't even had to force themselves, it felt quite natural because you will bear witness with their love story.

If there's anything to add that should be noted amazing in this film is Kelvin and Gian Magdangal's confrontation scene. Tart Carlos also had her moment with Kira Balinger when she had to admit all her faults, it was personal and heartbreaking. Jinho Bae whom people might expect to only blurt out Hangul in most of the scenes in Korea, will be your breath of fresh air. His comedic timing is impressive and as he revealed, he was personally surprised about having 80 percent of his adlibs being put in scenes when he was quite sure it should have been cut by the director. You'll love him for that!

I think I cried twice, and you might have to bring a few sheets of fascial tissues for that. You can now see CHANCES ARE, YOU AND I on theaters starting today! Bring your friends, significant others and family because you'll love how they executed it. 

Photography is A+, plan and go, or flip a coin if you need to decide. This is produced by Pocket Media Productions, Inc. and Happy Infinite Productions. They will have Regal Films distribute this to 130 (I heard) cinemas nationwide!


A Glimpse of the Sparkle Prime Workshop

Friday, May 17, 2024

I've had my bout with acting back when I was a kid. During those years, my workshops were done privately and the system was pretty much unscientific, it was mostly putting ourselves in scenes. You could say it was something I'd do on occasion... and since I wasn't doing roles anymore I was so excited I'd get to experience the "Sparkle Acting and Empowerment Workshop" through the partnership of Philippine Entertainment Bloggers Association (PEBA) and Sparkle GMA Artist Center which happened a few days ago.

This was going to be conducted by THE Ana Feleo (Certified on Eric Morris System) whom I've had the opportunity to interview in the past (especially during the pandemic). This was also the first time I'm meeting her (in a physical sense), so I was quite excited about that when we arrived at the rehearsal studios. To tell you honestly, I've been overthinking a lot about this event and what I think I'd be learning from the workshop. Participants in our group were from different blogs and social channels. With Sparkle they had artists Jennifer Maravilla, Mitzi Josh, Zonia Mejia, Lauren King, Aidan Veneracion and Bruce Roeland whom all had previous experience of doing workshops under Ms. Ana Feleo.

After pleasantries, Ms. Ana took us to a plethora of exercises that would help us be more open about ourselves, our emotions, and feel what's possible. Ours was like a teaser of what she's been doing for 3-day workshops, so we get a gist of what artists usually do. This I'd say made me feel like I'd be more susceptible of absorbing what she taught on the red mat. Mind you, tons of Sparkle and GMA actors have gone through a lot in the same place, and if the mat could talk it'll probably tell a lot about their life, their pain and agony as it's been primarily used for motivation on scenes. They'd learn how to control how much of it will be used when they need to on projects, which makes sense with the nature of their work.

Knowing how huge of a roadmap this is for people undergoing the same training made me realize how it could impact their skills, especially for new actors. Since this was also an empowerment process, we learned how to communicate, express ourselves with no inhibitions, which would help us navigate the things we plan to do with our organization. It's not only leadership, but how we would be able to put our points across when we meet people. It's a skill we all have to work on and it was so nice we get to touch on that. There were a lot of things that we got to experience during the short time we spent that afternoon, and we even got to know each other even more. It was different than just looking at our blogs, our different backgrounds, because we saw how we learned as people. I bet that will be beneficial for a lot of individuals, and I'm so glad they're taking these workshops all over the country. 

Here's how you can enroll in the Sparkle Prime Workshop:

I'd like to take this bit to thank the men and women of Sparkle Artist Center, Ms. Jenny Donato the Sparkle AVP for Talent Recruitment and Development (who was quite fun to talk to on the sidelines!), Ms. Rochelle Tuazon-Chavez the Sparkle Senior Manager for PR, Events and Digital , and good guy Mr. Chester Singian (who I think is also going to be an artist soon!). Also, to the Sparkle artists Jennifer Maravilla, Mitzi Josh, Zonia Mejia, Lauren King, Aidan Veneracion and Bruce Roeland who were all so kind and game during the session. We also got to know you a little bit during the exercises that Ms. Ana executed that afternoon.

I'd also like to personally thank Ms. Ana Feleo who braved through her migraine just to make sure we had an unforgettable experience during the workshop, I really learned a lot in such a short time. I get it why the artists you previously worked with talk so highly of you. Thank you for being there to help us all throughout the workshop!

If you wish to join, just get in touch with them via the art card we added above. It'll change the way you think about actors, and you'll learn a lot about the craft.


BUM Black Army: Signing Kim Perez and Sparking Change

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Change is indeed inevitable, and we're seeing it happen with clothing brand BUM Black Army. 

Following their street laden aesthetic, they've managed to grow with the generation that wore it all. Today, they've gone the route of doing clean lines, more urban, and army inspired designs. It's a pretty significant deviation from the looks they served in previous years... and we loved what we saw! 

A pop up runway show happened during their recent event at Sine Pop, St. Mary Street in Quezon City. This is also the occasion where they bared news of their newest brand endorser KIM PEREZ. He's a good looking host, model and actor. A Sparkle artist known for his roles in MPK, Regal Studios, hit series Hearts on Ice and Black Rider.



Their new collection just felt right. They call it BUM Black Army Coords. From the forest to the desert, or simply the outdoors... you're bound to enjoy a more comfortable line of clothes with the apt colors for the season. The city streets will be so cool with Earth tones, different greens and even charcoal on what you're wearing. Those pullovers, jackets with hoodies, shorts with pockets, won't go unnoticed especially if you try to mix and match them with another. The loose fit, would make you stay quite comfortable no matter where you are. You can stay versatile with each piece, no need for nerfing what you already posess, the confidence and look when you have BUM Black Army on your body. They even have accessories to go with it.

It's time you get tough, clean and be obesessed with #BUMBlackArmyCoords because at the end of the day, you deserve it!

Here's the show on video, enjoy!


Meet KIM PEREZ, the newest BUM Black Army Endorser

Kim was quite nice to talk to. He knew about BUM prior to becoming an endorser of the clothing brand and told us about how he's been using it in shoots, at home or even on occasions. He also likes the prints, the colors, and how it fits with his existing wardrobe. We asked him about what he also feels now that he's part of the illustrious celebrities who have endorsed BUM Black Army.

The trust given to him is humongous, and by the looks of it... it fits him and his personality. I like the various BUM Black Army camouflage prints they showcased during the show, and if it's out in stores, I'm going to be part of the reason why you'll run out of it. Watch out for the materials they're coming out with especially in stores, and mall tours they're planning to do in Visayas and Mindanao.

This is just the start, and if this is the change we're seeing... I'm glad it happened!

If you want to know more about the brand, go follow them on their official social channels. They will also be coming out with the collection in shopping platforms, and TikTok so you just wait!