Showing posts with label Spike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spike. Show all posts

Forgetting Things? Try SPIKE

Friday, September 14, 2018

Forgetting people, information, money matters is not a good thing.

I'm having breakfast today and I've been thinking about the things I'm doing this month and the previous one, like some sort of comparison because I think I'm doing things right lately.

Spike has Neuravena which helps in cognitive function and concentration.

You see I go to a lot of events, meet lots of people too. I couldn't tell you the number of folks I get to talk to including stars, executives, politicians, foreigners and just about every Jane or John Doe in the blogging industry. Now imagine that number and think about the throng of people I needed to remember like their names, faces, phone numbers and situations when I met them. I cringe a lot, more so every instance someone approaches me and I couldn't remember their names or the times I met them. Believe me when I say I've been humiliated so many times in conversations when I get caught winging and pretending I remember them - and acting like it was just a normal day when deep inside I'm screaming haha!

SPIKE Dietary Supplements are from Oat extracts, it can help in cognitive improvements according some studies.

My blogger friend Mae suggested I take SPIKE which is a capsule cased supplement that contains Neuravena which is a green oat extract that enhances attention and concentration without getting harmful side effects such as insomnia, anxiety or things you would normally get in a cup of coffee. Tried it for a few days to see how it would do good for me. Honestly I'm skeptical about pills and stuff but I figured there's no harm in trying. In the first day alone, I felt a little jittery and active that got me writing 4 articles in one sitting. Now I know I am capable of doing that but it was all done in a shorter amount of time. I also got to remember some of the dates, time of events that I attended without looking at my phone's calendar which I actually do a lot. Aside from that, I remember to spend an amount of time talking to people and get to understand their work, where they come from, not just their names. That alone is a lot of improvement in two weeks, now imagine how my multitasking talent evolved too wherein I could now listen to interviews, write the article, take photos and videos without losing track of my train of thought for the write-up. It is possible, and I am so amazed I could do that now. I thought a month ago I was already rusty, but it looks like I could do this with the help of supplements like SPIKE.

SPIKE is available at Mercury Drug stores nationwide and is priced quite competitively at 33 a piece. If it could help me, how in the world could it not help you. Go get the box and make your busy life on point, and way better.

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