Showing posts with label Statements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Statements. Show all posts

Official Statements on TV5-GMA Merger

Monday, June 04, 2012

People are speculating if the news behind TV5 and GMA's merger is true or not since it has been on the Ricky Lo column already. This morning Mr. Cojuanco apparently sent a message to Arnell Ignacio on Twitter) which indicates there's no truth to this claim. Although on the last part of his message, there seems to be an existence of a "talk" but nothing is final. Read this!

MVP Statement

See the part where he said "I can now say we're under discussion but nothing finalized at this time" which means they are already talking about it!

On the other hand, below is GMA's reaction to an article published today on the Philippine Star supposing that TV5 and GMA-7 are going to merge this November:
"GMA Network is not in a position to comment on the article that came out in the Philippine Star today, June 4, 2012, regarding the reported merger of GMA Network and TV5 since we are not the source of the information.  The said article attributed the information to Mr. Manny Pangilinan (MVP).  To our knowledge, MVP has clarified that he was misquoted.  We therefore suggest that anyone who wishes to verify may do so with MVP."

Which means "Don't talk to us, talk to the guy that told your sources!" haha... this story is just starting but I bet you when these guys eventually merge, would ABSCBN be afraid of the competition? What do you think? :)
