Showing posts with label Stocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stocks. Show all posts

GCash To Hold 2nd Money Talks: On Passion and How To Grow Your Savings

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I've been doing a lot of investing in the GInvest section of the GCash app. They have launched this in 2019, but just recently, they've been teaching and leading ways in how ordinary people like you and me can actually invest in different funds. If you're 18 years old and up plus a valid identification card, you can start doing it now for as low as Php 50. Crazy and impossible as it may seem, it's true and I was able to earn a few hundred pesos in the first few days of doing it. 

They did a talk a couple weeks ago and it proved to be very successful and it did encourage a lot of Filipinos to start considering investments in their portfolio rather than just putting it on a savings account from their banks. I've learned to have a specific part of my money on moderate kind of investments while putting my extras in aggressive type ones. Make sure you answer the risk assessment questionnaire when you sign up for it so you've got a grasp of how you can diversify it because it'll be a little dangerous if you put your money in one basket these days. 



Anyway, the folks at GCash are still at it. They're holding another episode this coming June 23 at 8PM on their official Facebook page. It'll be a bit more interesting as their guest Chinkee Tan will be talking more about the ins and out of investing. He's also going to answer if you have some of the weirdest questions because I'm sure, you've heard a lot of stories about investing wherein you're not sure whether it's true or not. The program will be hosted by Jaz Reyes and there will be gamers,Tiktok stars that will also join in the conversation as they too have tried doing investments on the GInvest platform. 

Just search GCashOfficial on Facebook and it'll take you to the page, watch the stream that comes out 8PM and start learning with me. I'm going to be there! :)