Showing posts with label Supports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supports. Show all posts

TOTAL Philippines Corporation and TotalGaz Supports Chef's On Parade 2013!

Thursday, March 07, 2013

One of the most awaited event in the industry and probably the most attended one too is Chef's on Parade 2013. The event also houses several competitions to pick the best of the best of what the Philippine restaurant and hotel industry has to offer. I've been lucky enough to have been able to attend this quite a lot because my brother's an Executive chef. He also competed in these meets but since he's in Ireland now, he's getting good representation from someone good looking. ME haha.

It was nice to see people again like Chef Bruce Lim (my favorite Chef!) and on this bit he also had Chef Emmanuel Stroobant (who's AFC programs I adore! ie Chef in Blank etc) whom he also worked with in Asian Food Channel. Chef Bruce and Monkey was actually doing an all Filipino pasta and sandwich menu via a workshop they were doing during this event. Yes, it was time Monkey talks! All their stoves both in and out of this particular kitchen (re: the whole venue) was powered and supplied by the good people of TotalGaz.