Showing posts with label Switzerland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Switzerland. Show all posts


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Mavx Productions has a gem in their hands as the Gerald Anderson and Kylie Padilla film called UNRAVEL is quite an interesting piece. This is their entry to the Summer Metro Manila Film Festival wherein they chose mental health as a topic which is pretty much a timely thing to discuss. 

It definitely is something new too because they also put in VAD (or Voluntary Assisted D3@th) which is legal in some countries, but really not allowed by law in others. It also is emotionally daunting to be in their position with the complexities of their personalities, their family situations and love. It didn't help that they had to qualify patients that would go through VAD because at the end of the day, they were dealing with lives of people.

Kylie plays the role of Lucy who has been suffering from clinical depression then decides to fly to  another country where it is permitted in the hopes of doing VAD. Gerald Anderson on the other hand plays Noah who in all circumstances would want to keep her alive. 

Kylie says "I had a great time, in the beginning it was surreal. I put my trust in Mavx Productions and Direk. I was really afraid about the material because it was dark, I had anxiety attacks after reading the material, but I hope people who go through this see hope, to hopefully save more people. I was a fan of kimerald, I just had to concentrate on work in doing this film."

Gerald adds "She is a good representative for her home network and working with her was a breeze. As an actor, I haven't experienced doing this kind of material, I feel people should always be nice, we all have our journeys because Noah and Lucy had their own battles. Kylie was very professional, it made us shoot easily because she was a cowboy."

This is the first time that the Summer MMFF is happening and their entry  is also part of their celebration of Star Magic's 30th Anniversary. They have filmed this piece in Switzerland. It is certainly quite breathtaking to see. It's a perfect backdrop to any film, even if the topic of d3@th was a tad depressing, you can't help but marvel at how gorgeous the place is. Is it good to watch? Definitely. You'll learn something, you don't know who's suffering.

If you need mental help, Hopeline is available at 09175584673. Give them a call if you feel the need to.


An Exclusive Lunch with Anton Mosimann, OBE, DL

Monday, January 30, 2017

I like fancy meals, but I never imagined it could look like this. 

I was invited to a luncheon by the Swiss Embassy a couple of days ago to be in the presence of Anton Mosimann, a world renowned Swiss Chef and officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). I've heard his name a couple of times already (US food shows and news) as he's done countless events for the British Royal Family including the important banquets they've hosted and Royal weddings too. He's not much on TV (though he has some in the Brit networks) but if you ask the who's who of the culinary world, he's up there. 

Aside from being in countless successful hotels, he's also responsible for getting 2 Michelin Stars for Dorchester's Restaurant which is a first for a hotel restaurant outside France - plus countless awards to boot.

Switzerland and the Philippines is currently celebrating the 60th year of our diplomatic relations. They're doing several events to mark this momentous occasion and inviting a Chef of his caliber or being part of an audience was such an honor. I actually was excited to meet him in the flesh. Here's what happened on video.

Here's what we had during the afternoon.

Pretty exquisitely served hors d'oeuvres that's got foie gras, savory tarts, parma ham and bread sticks.

My blogger friends, old and new, had several wines paired with the meals and for the good ol amuse-bouche. Had a couple glasses while socializing, our glasses get filled up fast because Marco Polo had pretty good service. It was red and white wine from the Valais region, we knew we had it coming!

Anton Mosimann is known for his bow ties, a different one each time he's working. They gave us one as a souvenir.

It was a huge table, we were about 50 trying to send cheers, personal and non verbal greetings across the hall. Seated were officers, dignitaries from the embassy and people from the Swiss Education Group. For those who don't know, the Swiss is known for having some of the best hospitality schools in the world! The Swiss Education Group is a network for these world class institutions and universities done by world class educators. 

Now if you've wanted to study with the best, maybe you should consider going the mile literally and check out courses at They've got the best educational systems, a mix of practical and theoretical applications that have already been able to produce some of the best culinary professionals the world over. Aside from that, Anton Mosimann had this huge library of cook books, references, tons of stuff you would have never seen but he chose to share it with the public... to the industry that he loves so they planned to put these things in one place and properly called it "The Mosimann Collection". It's now housed at the César Ritz Colleges Switzerland campus in Le Bouveret, in the Swiss canton (like a state in the US) of Valais. If you plan to do your studies there, take a look at what they could offer you. I mean the best Chef already has all his things there, so just imagine the possibilities. 

Now of course we had our lunch. This is what we had!
Marinated Salmon with Dorset Crab, Spring Onion, Lemon Dressing. It had the right amount of acidity, the salmon and crab was so fresh that it actually tasted sweet. It was divine!

They came as legit as they can be. This is Chef Anton's Risotto ai Funghi, a popular dish that he cooks for the royalty. Damn good. Pardon the words, but it was really that good. The seared fillet of lamb with Rosemary sauce and market vegetables was also served, but didn't get to the photos. It was gone in 5 minutes LOL! Speaking of which!

This is the Passion Fruit Souffle and Yoghurt Ice Cream. I like how the hot and tangy souffle fights with the sweet yoghurt. It was fruity, and the smell permeates to your nose when you take a scoop out of the ramekin.

We ended the meal with brewed coffee, tea and some really guiltless Petit Fours. How can you not love something that looks like this no?

Thanks to Chef Anton Mosimann, OBE, DL, Frank Reichenbach General Manager of Marco Polo Ortigas Manila and his team of Filipino chefs who made it possible to put these lovely items on our plates. It wasn't just like introducing his skills as a Chef, but more of telling us the standard that they have and how the most simplest ingredients become a little more magical in Swiss hands. I must say, I am impressed, I am but honored to be in the presence of a great man who did a lot for his country and his profession. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Swiss Embassy, HE Ambassador Andrea Reichlin for having us (and personally saying hi!), to the always gracious Deputy head of Mission Mr. Raoul Imbach, Mr. Herve Findeisen from the Swiss Education Group (whom we met there) and of course everyone who made it possible for us to have the opportunity to be with THE Anton Mosimann in the Philippines and Marco Polo Ortigas. Thank you!


For more information about their activities this year:
Swiss Embassy Manila
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The New Toblerone SnowTop - MakeSomeonesDay and Win Trips To Switzerland!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Don't you just love it sometimes when the thing you love just becomes so better? A few days ago, we went to posh Imperial Ice Bar to celebrate what seems to be a start of something big. The well loved brand of chocolate Toblerone just set out their newest flavor to the Philippine market called Toblerone Snow Top.

I know, I've never had it this good. Think of rich Swiss Milk Chocolate with peaks of Toblerone's signature White Chocolate and a good amount of Honey and Almond Nougat. Each triangular piece just spelled heaven and I often closed my eyes when we first tasted there in the event. I'm not even telling you to buy one but I'm sure you're dying to try it. I thought it was going to taste like the original one but no, the white chocolate and other things on it made a difference. Well I'm not saying the original isn't good but it's just swell to see a different one other than that. Plus, it's so good. 

And you know what's even better? They've also launched the #MakeSomeonesDay with Toblerone Contest. Just purchase the new Toblerone SnowTop Bar or the Toblerone Crunchy Almonds Bar or the customized Toblerone sleeves with the words "I Love You" "Thank You" "Good Job" "Stay Awesome" "Congratulations" or "Happy Birthday". Get 5 of these and give them as gifts then post about them on Facebook. Just make sure you add the hashtag #MakeSomeonesDay and tag the official Toblerone Pilipinas page on Facebook. The more posts you make with all these required hashtag and tagged Facebook page, the more entries you get. Other than that, they'll also be giving away BIG 4.5Kg Toblerone bars every week for the love of chocolate. So go ahead and visit the channels below and make someones day!

Photo credits to Toblerone Pilipinas Facebook page


For more information about their product:
Toblerone Pilipinas
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Visit their official website