Showing posts with label The Millionaires Wife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Millionaires Wife. Show all posts

The Millionaires Wife: Cannes Best Actress Ms. Jacklyn Jose

Friday, June 24, 2016

I wouldn't want to pass the opportunity to interview Ms. Jacklyn Jose. Yes, the one and only Best Actress from Cannes is also a part of The Millionaires Wife. She plays the villain Stella Vergara Montecillo and she wreaked havoc on Louisa's life. Aside from the money, she's just aiming to see how miserable she can make Louisa as Alfred Vergara is already dead. She didn't mean to have her father killed but it was just the result of her brainwashing Jared Montecillo. Without him in the picture, she wouldn't be protected at all and perhaps Stella would make her life a living hell, she's that determined.

Here's our video interview in two parts. Enjoy!

I love the way she answered our questions, and how she was so enthusiastic to tell us about the process in molding her character. She mentions that there are tons of highlights in the show that is only going to happen today so you better catch the finale!

I was told by her co stars in this project that it is indeed an honor to have worked with Jacklyn Jose let alone the Cannes Best Actress. I was actually a little put off because she didn't want to put that out in the open but I think she's got her reasons. She didn't want the others to make that a big deal but says it is an opportunity to be proud of our country. I couldn't imagine how much stress and physical work they had to put in into each scene. She's more meticulous and doesn't even do it if she doesn't know where the character is coming from. This is much harder to shoot because they don't do it by following the story, they do it per scene so it kinda skips, pretty hard to remember. She does her homework and that's something that the other actors of this project actually learned from her. Maybe me too in the near future, I kid!

There will be someone dying, but I laughed so hard when she told us about the forest scenes (which was pretty much done in every teleserye). The Filipino audience actually sometimes wouldn't find the ending great if they didn't do that part. Playing a villain or the hero, it doesn't matter to her because both are fulfilling. She also mentions how much work they've put into this project and hopes people get to know how these all ends!

Thank you for the opportunity to talk to you Ms. Jacklyn Jose! Thank you also for being so candid while we were doing this interview. I hope to get to watch you do A1 Ko Sayo which is more of a comedy flick. I'm sure you'll continue to be loved with that too!

Thank you to the cast and crew of The Millionaires Wife who were all so accommodating during our set visit! Hope you all get to watch the show today as it ends Louisa's story.


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The Millionaires Wife: Mike Tan

I could tell you the names of my friends who would probably faint at the sight of Mike Tan. He's one of GMA's most prized actors, and with good reason. He's got a sculpted physique, he's also donned countless drama projects under his belt and nobody I know questioned how good he is in that department. He plays the role of Ivan Meneses in this series and he doesn't hold back. He's done countless scenes in this show that has been talked about countless times because it's so sexy. Oh yes, there's bed scenes, but I like the one they did in the shower... it was so animalistic! The passion that goes into each scene is evident, you'll be shocked at what will happen when they see each other. I've seen some of the shots during our set visit, and I totally agree you'll love how this will end. 

Here's our interview with the good looking guy on video:

He finds Andrea Torres a lot different from his other leading ladies as she's more of the silent type. She often focuses on the job and gets it done as they do it. They never even talked before they had that iconic kissing scene and just did it so there wouldn't be awkwardness between them. In fact, Mike even felt it was Andrea who took care of him because it's not everyday that you get to do these things. He mentions how professional Andrea is and hope this isn't the last time they'd be able to work together. He wants to do more shows with GMA and I'm sure there will be more opportunities for this great actor.

Thank you Mike for taking time to sit and talk with us! Hope people would get to see the scenes you've done with Sid and Ms. Jacklyn Jose! I know they'll love that! Thank you too to GMA Social Media for hooking us up! Make sure you watch the last episode today on GMA Afternoon Prime!


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The Millionaires Wife: Sid Lucero

 This is the first time I'm interviewing Sid Lucero. He's an award winning actor, very animated when you see him. He's not that tough guy you see on screen and you can feel how much he's engulfed so hard to put his passion into work, more so in The Millionaires Wife. He plays the character of Jared Montecillo, the son of Jacklyn Jose in the series. He's a little deranged to put it lightly, because when Stella puts her magic to this guy right here, he goes beyond it and kills his own Grandfather. He's been heavily influenced by his Mom hence the way his character ends up like that on the show. Yes, he rapes people!

Here's our interview on video:

Sid didn't really think much about getting a Best Actor award at the 19th Los Angeles Comedy Festival, but even wanted to use that to further his cause for the Philippine Movie and TV industry. He wanted his voice to be heard, with good purpose and I was impressed by that. His countless indie films, tons of shows, all of that felt like it didn't matter because he had a more endearing cause to support, I was so happy there are people like him in the industry. 

He also got lauded by Ms. Jacklyn Jose, equally impressed at how he works and says if there's one thing she would want to do is to work again with Sid Lucero. He was the one person that convinced Ms. Jacklyn Jose to accept this project in the first place. She's really got reason why, because Sid is brilliant. Underrated yes, but I hope he gets to be noticed and given more projects because of his caliber of acting.

Thank you for the opportunity to talk to you Sid and I hope people get to see the finale today!


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