Showing posts with label The Mistress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Mistress. Show all posts

John Lloyd Cruz, Bea Alonzo; Stars in The Mistress

Saturday, September 08, 2012

I am excited to see this movie. After two years of not seeing them on screen, what does a John Lloyd Cruz and a Bea Alonzo have after all these years? I even asked myself why on earth haven't they been romantically involved when all the things point to greatness in their on screen team up. The answer lies in Bea's statement; she didn't have the maturity then and she was guarded about everything that she didn't want to get romantically involved or befriended off cam. John Lloyd on the other hand says that he's seen a lot of maturity in her now. She's different when I last worked with her because she's more closer now. It took her almost 10 years before we became really close like this, just imagine that.  

Although they remain friends, one cannot remain but hopeful that somehow, some day, some way they would end up together. That hope, they didn't even extinguish it because they both feel that they owe everything to their fans. That's the same reason why you and I who's reading this article is still hoping that it can be true, even if they have their own partners now.

The movie is all about a mistress played by Bea Alonzo. She falls in love with her benefactor Ronaldo Valdez. He's still got a wife played by the powerful Hilda Koronel. John Lloyd on the other hand falls in love with Bea, but even if Bea feels something with John Lloyd she still loves Ronaldo Valdez and this is where the story starts. It's controversial in many ways and the only way to find out who ends up with who is by watching the movie this September 12, 2012. Then another special International screening will follow come September 15. How can you not watch this!

Ms. Vanesa Valdez, the head writer explains this very complicated plot. It wasn't really too hard to get why there was too many conflicts in the movie. She says you are going to see people in their most vulnerable state. You are going to see flawed people doing trying to get what they want, seeing their loved ones getting hurt and possibly permanently damaging themselves in the process.

Direk Olivia Lamasan is just a perfectionist. She knows every detail and even does that to the questions we throwed into the conversation. She almost hosted the small conference :) She says a lot of people would definitely connect with the story because face it, most people would probably know someone or be in a situation like this.

This is a blockbuster for sure, so don't miss it! Capisce?!
