Showing posts with label Tired now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tired now. Show all posts

Tired but I'm Okay =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sleep deprived. That is one thing I can tell you that I have been experiencing this week. With lots of reports and deadlines, and a lot of other activities in the weekend... it seems that I have not taken care of myself. I needed to go back to the gym so I really lack sleep.. but to think about it, what's new! =)

This weekend, I'll be going out with friends to Baguio City waaaaaay up North. I don't like going there but since I am going to spend time with friends, I think that would be better. Anyway aside from taking photos, I would probably end up sleeping over this vacation.

I know, you ask how would I get back with my photographer friends? Well they always are out on weekends, one week off is just missing one shoot. Though tempting, it always is nice to know that if I could not attend this week, I would be able to attend next week. =)

Let me share to you some photos I took from other photo walks to end this article:





Don't worry I'm okay! =)


Tired but I'm Okay Today

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What a tiring day... I've been walking painfully in my white boots again and strutted around a few malls in the QC area. I went out with friends from college which I'll be blogging about as soon as I get the pictures uploaded and boy it was so tiring. I did not even get that much sleep so I'm ailing while in the office. But I was happy... =)

I'm starting my day with tons of reports and make that a priority. I'm about to finish it actually so after that I'm gonna stick to focusing on my project. I can't leave it like other things here.

I bought a new bag too from AIRWALK ^_^ weeee! well I liked that bag since time in memorial so I just bought it today. Maybe I'll be using this soon... in a few places that I plan to go to with my wifey... I think I wanna get married soon.. I just think... I don't do yet hehehe... but that will be easy come crunch time. Maybe I'll shock everybody else ^_^

Just like anybody... I need to get some sleep...maybe tommorow... I just cant do it now because I'm still at work....


I'm tired... Really Tired....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Click! Come on! Click ye mouse!

I've been busy these past few days and its really taking a toll on me. I'm sooo tired... I'm trying so hard to go to the gym also everyday since I am trying to lose a few pounds (oh okay... A LOT!) but things haven't been that grand these past few days. I'm getting buffer though when I look in the mirror... funny I know ^_^

My auntie Milet got kidnapped, a HUGE thing that affected my parents and me... still wishes for her safe return. Office work also very hectic because we are undermanned... the team lost the guy who was sitting beside me (yeah tis you Robbie!) since he ventured into other opportunities elsewhere. I'm pretty sure I also am also going to fix my life soon and get a better job... not that I'm complaining but time is really running out... I've got to get going... I plan to be a millionaire by 40 you know! wether I find it here or outside the Philippines, its bound to happen... yeah I'm planning to go to London.

My wifey and I had a fight last night, it wasn't nice... I did not hear what I wanted to hear... not even a single apology... so when the fight came, words came out... I just wish she realizes how much she means to me... and know how to help me when I need her most. That's all I ask for...

This morning I got news that my authenticated diploma arrived, but it had a stub with it that required me to go to DFA and personally appear... I'm such a loser yaya! lolz.... I'll probably do that by the end of the week... on Friday perhaps... there is a date on it though.... I wonder what will happen if I get it a few days late... I hope it won't be a hassle. I also will be renewing my driver's license this week so I hope it won't be a hassle to do in LTO... gonna get my dad also change his ID since LTO furnished a couple thousand people with substandard cards... see what happens with government these days? sheesh...

Wheww! even while writing this... tons of reports came... now I just finished that... and a presentation as well... I hope I can survive this tiring day... So many things happened... so little time... I'm not surprised someone got a heart attack here a few months ago... talk about toxic huh?! I need a break I think... a break from everything... how about a vacation? hmm... lemme think about it.... coz its like ages when I had one... well not to mention my trip to Negros of course!

I don't want to start complainin... I'm just saying these things so I get it out of my chest... I dont wanna be the next one rushed to the hospital you know! ^_^ how's about a smile there!