Showing posts with label US President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US President. Show all posts

US President Barack Obama : YES WE CAN!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

President Barack Obama and Vice President elect Joe Biden
Photos by AP and CNN

See the blue states here that went all the way for President Barack Obama in the elections, no wonder he overwhelmingly won the elections! I was a skeptic this morning because when I was running on my treadmill, there were about 3 states being counted and it was showing McCain on the lead. I together with about 6 CNN anchors were asking "we never saw it this close". Then again, when I went home and had my bowl of oatmeal the results from other states came in and NEVER did I see McCain lead again. The CNN reporters even did analyze known Republican states were swinging to Obama at that time.

Since he already passed 270 (the magic number you need to win) they went ahead and celebrated in Chicago. There were about 125,00 supporters that frolicked a slightly cold evening in the windy city. Even Rev. Jessie Jackson was there to celebrate. Though the mood was ecstatic, when the speech came... it looked like Obama was calming everyone down instead of celebrating... I thought about that too... peoples expectations might have been a little too high. They need everyone's help in working for that "CHANGE" he promised in day 1 of his campaigns. I just wished he also mentioned Asia... I never heard him mention it in any of his speeches... to think he's even from Indonesia you know?! and btw, his middle name is Hussein I think... =/

Obama wins by a large margin, he only needed 270 to win but it looks like a whopping 338 here! ^_^ He is the first African American President of the United States of America
