VALERIE TAN, ROVILSON FERNANDEZ and Architects Start Different Season 9 of "I HEART PH" on GTV
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
iHeartPh Celebrates 8th Season on CNN Philippines
Friday, July 14, 2023
They're celebrating their 8th season this year and since starting iHeartPh in 2018, they've featured a whole lot of inspiring stories. It's a magazine show, and according to its host Valerie Tan "Going places, it made me realize that I love experiencing new things. I also love meeting different kids of people, having connections, to hopefully also share their stories."
The program also advocates showcasing the Philippines, it's flora and fauna, it's amazing nature and environment. iHeartPh also wants people to see more of its people (our warmth and hospitality), and why people love it here. Valerie also feels that there's still a lot of places to explore in the country's 7,130 islands, to taste some of the lands best dishes especially Cebu's lechon which has gained the moniker "Best Pig Ever".
Aside from that, they've been featuring other countries like Taiwan. They're now a TV Program partner and have showcased Taiwan several times in the show as part of the "Love Fun Taiwan" campaign. Valerie sees this as a profound appreciation of their show by outside the country. The show's Executive Producer Ms. Vanessa Verzosa says "It's great to see how the Taiwanese government also trusts us, they evidently see our direction for the show. We'll continue to feature inspiring stories, so people continue to aspire going places, much of which are aligned with our goals."
The show is produced by TV8 Media Productions. They will also be airing this coming Sunday July 16th at 7PM so make sure you tune in on CNN Philippines. They also have replays on Tuesdays at 4:30PM so if you miss the show, you can watch it at a later date.
If you wish to collaborate with them, you may get in touch with Vanessa Verzosa at 09188075952.
See "LOVE FUN TAIWAN" on CNN Philippines
Sunday, February 05, 2023
Looks like Taiwan is making great efforts to put a spotlight on their other attractions aside from the usual fare as our very own Rovilson Fernandez and Valerie Tan join hosts from other countries (Thailand and India) to enjoy the sights and culture in a new lifestyle show called "Love Fun Taiwan".