Showing posts with label Vanilla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanilla. Show all posts

I thought I was clean of MELAMINE! OMG even LIPTON!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Well folks, I just was shocked this morning. After working out, I grabbed the morning paper and checked out what the latest news was since I need to blog about something. You know what I found out? I've been drinking spiked tea all along....

This is the culprit:

If you think tea was healthy, think again! (>_<) tsk tsk!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I've been drinking Melamine laced Lipton tea all along (a few cups a week). Now Unilever is pulling out this stuff exported from Indonesia. I just hate the fact that I'm a lil educated about tea but never in my wildest dreams thought that I'd be also a victim of this ingredient melamine. I just wish its not gonna affect my health. I hope these middlemen they blame for putting these in milk be reprimanded and taken to jail. The effect has just been worldwide! So if you are a victim, stop drinking this and all its flavors! This news has been confirmed by BFAD. (-_-)" if only they pay me for medical bills!
