Showing posts with label Victims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victims. Show all posts

GMA Kids Help Typhoon Victims

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Adults sometimes take for granted what kids can do. A few days ago we went to a far flung school in Rizal where most of the kids of the community were part of those devastated by recent typhoons that have swept the country. Mona Louise Rey, Migs Cuaderno, Nomer Limatog and Daniela Amable, some of the brightest kid stars from GMA decided to help them get through this by getting them get armed with the proper protection, and get entertained that afternoon. A small gesture, but judging by the smiles I saw with the kids there, it was all worth it!

Mona Louise Rey looked like a porcelain doll turned alive. The sweet kid was adored by the students of Karangalan Elementary School. She was surprised to see that the kids, the teachers and the parents present there actually watched her show "My BFF". She actually performed "Let it go!" and had some of the kids sing along.

She also shared her experience auditioning for GMA, she said it's possible to be an artist just by putting their minds into it. They have to study first because it's not easy but everything starts with a dream.

I thought he was Bimby but this kid is Migs Cuaderno. He's a pretty good singer too and his confidence just comes out when in front of a crowd. He also said a few things to the students and asked them to pray hard so they get through life's struggles. If they want to be successful, school should never be missed because even reading and memorizing scripts would be part of an artists' life. This is also the same in singing, so he did that right after the small talk.

Some of the teachers and girls in the audience got a little excited when they saw Nomer Limatog up the stage. He's one of the kids that sang in Protege, GMA's biggest reality show. Talented as he is, of course he had to sing for them. True enough, he showed why he's been able to perform in GMA's shows because even at puberty, he's doing great with singing. He's also doing good with some "Magpakailanman" appearances and I think he'll be utilized well in future shows. He shared his experiences while auditioning for shows and says all it takes is a little effort, and hopes the kids would be able to learn more while staying in school and perhaps get a career later on.

Daniella Amable looks all grown up! I didn't recognize her. This is the same kid who we watched from the other network, The Good Daughter and Genesis. She also told these guys and gals from Karangalan Elementary School to always put God above everything else and he will take care of them. Then these kids started giving away gifts of rain boots, rain coats and other things from their sponsors. Garfield, Fernando's Bakeshop, Kids Republic, Hammerhead, the sweet people from Made In Candy and GMA Artist Center.

Ultimately, these kids, even when they're so young has been able to chip in and give a little help to the kids who have been ravaged by the typhoon that recently struck Manila. They deserve every little bit of fun they had during this afternoon. Thank you again to GMA Artist Center to let us tag along during this very touching event for the kids. I'm sure there will be more! :) 


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Official GMA Artist Center
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Fireworks Victims arrives at Philippine Hospitals

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Some guys just never learn!

The Philippines is still following the footsteps of Chinese nationals in spending for fireworks in celebrating New Year's Day. I was happy last night because there was a lot of places in Metro Manila that had rainshowers and drizzles. I thought there wouldn't be a lot of hard headed Filipinos that would do fireworks because of it, but I was wrong. It still was a little noisy in our streets. I even saw a glimpse of people who got hit by explosives watching the news. Its just sad that they won't learn if they don't get hurt.

Slowly they came one by one in the hospitals of Quezon City. In East Avenue Medical Center, there are about 17 people that fell victim since yesterday. Most of them were hit by the prohibited PICCOLO, faulty local "KWITIS" or rockets,Luces (lightsticks) and 5Star (a local triangle). All of them are very strong explosives but most have only sustained minor injury so some of them were already sent home but not an 8 year old kid that swallowed WATUSI (red scratch firecrackers).

In Quirino Labor Hospital, a young lad was also hit by a rocket in his neck. In Caloocan City, about 9 were sent to Tala Hospital since December 24 which also sustained piccolo caused wounds.What a bad day to spend your New Year at the Hospital!


Brad Pitt Houses Victims of Katrina

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Brad Pitt says Make it Right! ^_^
Photo by Reuters

One half of the most influential and powerful couple in the world just gave away homes for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Lower 9th Ward neighborhood families were preparing to spend their first holidays here. Brad Pitt was sad though because this is only part of it. He would like to rebuild communities and the whole state but funding and labor were just slow. Parts of the project would be put up first quarter of 2009 and late October. "I'm really happy for the families that are going to be here, but I can't help but think about the families that aren't". The Make It Right was launched by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie a year ago. The project is for the construction of 150 energy-efficient homes in a section of New Orleans washed away when Katrina broke levees Aug. 29, 2005. He just said he's not stopping until everything becomes normal and he promises to build thousands of homes in the same neighborhood.

For those of you who would like to donate to the same cause and my friend (we're close yah know! heheh!) Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation, just go to
