I wasn't depressed but I posted a Facebook status this evening that was liked by a lot of people. It was about when someone makes you feel special and leaves you behind. Then you just play dumb and act like you are not affected. I was surprised why a lot of them felt the same way. To say the least the same people who reacted violently to that statement were such strong people. I couldn't believe they would someday be like that... not in a million years but there they were acting like normal people. Some of them even mushier than I thought they would be.
Egypt has been so crazy these past few weeks. I worry for the people just as I worry about all those historic relics in their museums. If looters came in and destroyed that it would be really so sad for the whole world history community. Is there such a thing? Well anyway, just as long as there wouldn't be anything wrong that will happen to them it's all good. I hope they know how to manage that.
Our own airports NAIA 1 2 and 3 were mentioned in a blog post by Ms C of Chuvaness.com and there was a bit there when they wrote the general manager about the things that could be improved and SHOULD BE IMPROVED in our airports. Unfortunately the clueless General who probably never lines up like the rest of us just shrugged it off and said some of them weren't true and cleared obviously things like getting the restrooms fixed. They said it takes weeks when in fact it can only take days to do that. I wonder who told him that fact... someone must be sleeping when God was raining out common sense. Sheesh!
Anyway, it was back to photoshoots for me this weekend and what can I say... I wasn't dissappointed because the photos I shot came out great. I have my handy dandy 35mm to thank for these things. Of course I have to thank my bros from SHUTTERPILLOW photographers for making this comeback a huge hit! Photos will be up this weekend! =)
Thanks for reading... I know, its boring hehehe!
(bts shot from Jay Niduaza, thanks!)