Showing posts with label WeHealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WeHealth. Show all posts

Sanofi Launches WeHealth Program

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The country has been under GCQ for quite some time now. Under the pandemic, we all were met with a lot of stress, uncertainty, even fear. At home, we confined ourselves just like the rest of you guys so as not to endanger ourselves, or any member of our family. We scour to find work, to earn a living at a time where businesses suffer because they are either forcibly closed, or just didn’t survive economic struggles. Add to that, our own struggles to contain our seniors at home and our own health conditions. 

I was born to a family with a lineage known to have diabetes and hypertension. Mom started chewing on sugar cane when she was 5 in the fields that spread across towns and cities in Negros. Dad on the other hand was always the hot headed one, flares up like clockwork. To think that I wouldn’t have these same traits, might be a little too slim or close to none. Yes, I am a diabetic, so is my Mom and siblings. My Dad went ahead for the same reason a little over two years ago. Lifestyle change? Oh we try. Tried it for years in fact, but of course our bodies are different, metabolism too. We all are fine, but like normal people, we worry. 

This pandemic has actually brought upon complications in our usual visits to the doctor. For people who have diabetes and hypertension, regular checkups are a must because laboratory procedures should be done to check signs of recovery or worsening of it. Honestly, I fear going to the hospitals as they’re probably full of COVID-19 patients who need urgent care. Nobody also wants to get sick of course, so that actually worries me a lot because of the fact that we can’t seek consultations and physically be there in the clinics. That includes every member of my family, some seniors too in the mix. So doing that is just, not an option. We cannot neglect our blood sugar levels or pressure and adhere to doctors specified treatment. Online perhaps? That sounds good.

Recently, there is a program that Sanofi launched to help. They call it WeHealth, an e-health ecosystem which can help you and your family achieve healthy lives. This is part of their goal to make a healthier Philippines. Their aim is to also connect doctors, patients and healthcare providers. This takes you to a place where you can get medical consultations online and have your medicines delivered to your doorstep. Sanofi have seen how Filipinos lacked access to healthcare even before the pandemic began. WeHealth can empower you to control your own health journey. Taking online consultations eliminates the risk of getting exposed. Aside from that, you won’t have to go to the hospitals anymore (which might be difficult to go to distance wise) and pay for parking and gas. That would make it safe for you, your family and even your doctors. Sanofi partnered with SeriousMD, AIDE, KonsultaMD, HealthNow and Medifi as telehealth providers. Aside from that, they also got Watson’s and SouthStar Drug as pharmacy chain partners.

This makes it a very holistic e-Health program especially if you have family and friends who suffer from diabetes and other chronic illnesses. This would be a great start to bringing healthcare for all. You may visit Sanofi here for more information about it.