Showing posts with label Zest Air. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zest Air. Show all posts

An Announcement From Zest Air Management

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Here's another travel advisory from Zest Air which I'm sure a LOT of travelers are waiting for.


So now I would really like to advise you guys to get in touch with Zest Air and find out what happened with your flight schedules. That's if they haven't called or texted you yet. If you have cancelled flights, I'm sure they are going to arrange one to replace yours. If not, you can probably ask them to put you in another one that would fit your schedule. Thank the ones above Zest Air and CAAP got this fixed, a lot of passengers probably have gotten off of their tour and hotel reservations. 

Start filling up THIS FORM so you can get in touch with them and the AIR ASIA team which owns Zest Air. 

Please visit their website for more details


Zest Air Press Statement on CAAP Suspension Order

Monday, August 19, 2013

I don't know all this fuzz about Zest Air and their suspension but I think there's something wrong about CAAP suspending them abruptly when they have air worthy planes. I've been to an international flight without hitches in them so this is kind of confusing. True enough, Zest Air reputes all these accusations from CAAP and issued a statement. Here's the rest of it below:


I just hope they get to fix things and get a clear picture of what happened. Which ones were actually inspected, and failed to pass their standards. If ever they find out CAAP is wrongly doing this, maybe someone should pay the consequences. I know lives are at stake here, it's a good move that Zest Air took initiatives to better serve us and their riding public. Hope they take the skies soon!

For updates on this matter please Like them on Facebook

Zest Air


Amazing Kota Kinabalu! (Part 3) :
The City, Shopping and More Food!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

1 Philippine Peso is equal to 0.07 Malaysian Ringgit. That means, a single Malaysian Ringgit is equal to around 13-14 Philippine Pesos. I was counting the cash I had on hand and would definitely not leave this place without finding a bargain. We didn't waste time so as soon as we got settled, we went ahead and got our money exchanged; then went to malls like Suriah Sabah, Karamunsing Complex and 1 Borneo. There were a lot of things on sale like clothes, electronic gadgets, food, accessories, cosmetics, souvenirs and small trinkets. I saw some really good buys. I couldn't make up my mind what to take home so I only bought a few things (and thought I'll probably buy more the next day). Then we went to one of the best places for a sweet tooth like me. The Cocoa Boutique in Tanjung Aru. =)

Tanjung Aru's Cocoa Boutique

I don't know if you've realized it, but you're actually looking at two life like statues made of pure chocolate. Just look at the intricate details on these works of art! We proceeded inside and saw some more stuff made of the same chocolate. :)

The map of Sabah and schools of fish, then this cute Green Turtle (which is brown now LOL) was there to sat hi to everyone coming into the store. :)

Then the hallway was like chocolate heaven!

They have different flavors available, different fruits, nuts and spices in each chocolate masterpiece. Rumor says, there's a specific postal code for each piece on the shelves, I could live there. =)

Chocolate with Espresso Coffee, Dark Almond (obviously dark chocolate with Almonds), Milk Assortment (Milk Chocolate covered Hazel Nuts + Almonds), Milk Hazelnut (Milk Chocolate covered Hazel nuts).

White Chocolate with Strawberry, Dark Chocolate with Chili and White Chocolate with Coconut.

Milk Chocolate with real Hot Chili, or Mint

Hazel Nut with Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate. =)

I took a ton of these for Mom and Dad who's got diabetes because it's Sugar Free! =) I guess they can still have this in moderation. 

Plus, they've got a lot of the same chocolate put on smaller packs, and they have them on sale. This is perfect for those who want to bring a little something home after their trip. =) I especially love the white chocolate covered almonds because I ate almost a whole pound of it. Don't tell anyone haha!

We had dinner a couple of kilometers away from this place. It was hosted by the wonderful, warm and welcoming people of the Sabah Tourism Board.

Kampung Nelayan Floating Seafood Market Restaurant

It was raining when we arrived at the restaurant. This is in the Bukit Padang district which is almost at the outskirts of Kota Kinabalu. It's part of a Botanical Park that has got a lake and the structures are built on its shores. From the spacious parking lot where we alighted from our bus, you'll have to climb a few steps up to a Malaysian inspired house that's got seating for a couple hundred people. The place was packed, and we somehow figured a few minutes after that there was a show happening on the adjacent platform of across where we were at.