Showing posts with label accidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accidents. Show all posts

Be Safe!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sometimes there are things that you never want to happen. This evening while I was lounging around my home I stood up and suddenly slipped into a complete split. I got my skin cut by a nail sticking out the hardwood floor and there was blood everywhere. I was so afraid it was going to be something serious that I needed Michael Pines to sue the contractors but I was relieved when the bleeding stopped. I had to check in the hospital just to make sure I didn't get any infection and they got the whole thing bandaged; sent me home after a couple of minutes. I was so glad it didn't turn out that bad.

My Grandpa fell in a mall escalator and got 3 of his ribs broken but that time it was serious. He had to be brought to the hospital and operated on. He stayed there for weeks and needed a lot of things to recuperate because of his weak constitution. I was glad he was sent home after a month and a half. Clearly something had to be done so he got his lawyers to sue the mall because it was clearly their fault. He got compensated for the suffering brought about by this experience. I hope it doesn't happen to anyone. I'm glad he's trying to live a normal life even with the stitches and scars of the incident. I hope we all try to learn how to live safely. Accidents like these could happen to anyone, anytime. Be safe!

This happened to me so it can happen to you too! I'm not joking! So try your best to be safe guys!


Learning from the Past

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It is quite saddening to see that there is a rampant increase of road rage in the country. I saw 2 of them indicated in the news paper today and if you think about it, there are even a lot men and women too that are involved in car accidents each day. It is a nightmare to manage this in Manila because of the monstrous traffic that has horrified countless human lives but I already learned to live with it. You treat it as normal as possible so you would not go insane in these conditions. You are lucky if you have motor trade insurance but not everybody is blessed with that privilege. Sometimes I understand that only the rich can afford it in this country and I hope that situation takes a different turn this year.

If there would be something I would like to change in the current structure and system in this country I would like to start seeing us complying with international standards. Maybe make the newly elected President would take action on this after the May elections. Or maybe lessen the importations of second hand cars that would endanger us and help stick with what local producers can provide; because in the long run it would be beneficial for both us drivers and the riding public. I know it is an ailing industry and the time to make necessary action to improve things is now. I would not want my kid's future be controlled by a few rich businessmen who only want to earn a buck or two when car safety is on the line.

Accidents happen but if I know how to manage finances and pay for small insurance premiums that would get my family safe then I should never worry. If ever it occurs sometime in the near future, then I would save a lot from what could make me bankrupt in an instant. Third party liability types which are required now never meant that it would obviously cover everything so we have to think big. I want to feel safe and the last thing that I would want to hear is that I need to pay for something more because insurance did not cover it. An unfortunate incident did happen to me a couple of years ago; when I got my car 50% wrecked and I really learned a lot from it. You guys should too!


You Need One Now! Get Car Insurance!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The fires, tornadoes, typhoons and flooding taught me a thing or two about getting insurance with cars. It is definitely a good thing to do in a state that is prone to natural calamity and those which you cannot avoid. I learned my lesson when my folks lost their car in a wild fire that swept across California. It literally left them penniless because of the thousands of dollars that it took to have their convertible repaired. They did not know it would cost that much so they ended up buying a cheaper car instead. I was really sorry for them but what could I do. It was not covered with insurance and that is where I learned my lesson, so I had my car quoted this morning.


I went to and three of them listed. I got the free quotations from them and compared where I could save a couple hundred dollars and easily pay the monthly premium to have the basics covered. The Free Auto Insurance Quotes indicated every detail and suggests discount opportunities that you can qualify for. This has literally gained me around 15-25% of savings compared to the normal costs. They also have these plans available for purchase on their web site 24/7 and all the quotations are free of charge. Saving around 3-4,000 dollars is not bad either!

I ended up getting this terrific offer from GEICO but I have to talk to my wife first so we can have the budget available in case we need to have the monthly fees planned out. It is so difficult just thinking about where to get the money but this is a necessity. I would not want to end up without anything to spare if God forbid we encounter the same fate as my folks did. I would like to encourage you guys to go ahead and check out so you can achieve greater savings for you and your family. I would never want to see you take a chance on something you could prepare for in advanced. Do what is right and get those quotes now!

