Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts

You've Got to Try DEFENSIL

Friday, December 18, 2020

I've never seen one of these in stores near our house so I was kinda skeptic seeing this for the first time. During the pandemic, we all needed one of these and I was specifically looking for one that is 70% solution and is in a spray bottle. They all answered my prayers. My friends online couldn't stop raving about how convenient it is to actually own one, then when I got hold of them myself, I immediately understood why they had so much to say about a bottle.

First of all, DEFENSIL smells nice. It's not overpowering, or dries skin. Best feature for me is the actual bottle because it's so handy to spray on surfaces or packages which I have a lot of at home. So in  a nutshell, it's efficient and I've never seen anyone say that with a bottle of alcohol right? But fear not, I think they've worked a lot in these past few months to supply markets with these bottles and spray containers that proved to be a hit at home. Add to that, they're actually getting their own brand ambassadors to not just endorse that brand, but to show how it actually applies in a family. It takes Gutz to be a Gutierrez and yes, they got Richard Gutierrez and Sarah Lahbati and their kids Zion and Kai to tell their story.

Just like you, Richard and Sarah had to find ways to make their homes germ free to protect their kids and their whole family. In this pandemic, we receive packages, touch doors, handles, cars, sign documents, which means there's always a threat from germs and viruses. Sarah always makes it a point to sanitize at home which is why they trust Defensil. It's 70 percent Solution Isopropyl Alcohol and has moisturizer in them so it won't dry your skin. They needed to do it quite frequently these days because of obvious reasons. They have confidence that it kills 99.9% of common germs and bacteria, hypoallergenic and keep things safe at home. Holidays will surely still feel special and they won't worry that much because they've got Defensil by their side.

You too can know more about their family and what Defensil can do for you via their Facebook page It's time you get to know more about it, because so far, I've been enjoying Defensil in the spray bottle, kept it too when it gets spent and just refilled it with a bottle.

You've got to try it!


Jose Cuervo Is Looking For Dons Of Tequila, Who's in?

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Who's in?

Becoming a Don of Tequila would be something momentous, oh yes, for a Filipino.

Hand crafted for 250 years, the alcohol blend that you and I love that came from the same town with the name Tequila is looking for the one and only Don who will represent the country. A man with gusto, a man that can party, be classy with much machismo, a man that will rival the best in the world. This is Jose Cuervo. 

Mixed or with shots, you'll love all the reasons why they had to find people in the "Don's of Tequila" search by logging in on Mentors will also be there to check if you have cahones to be the one and only Don from the Philippines. 

Some esteemed people will also teach you the tricks of the trade so you can make it to the top. You'll get to Mexico in the town of Tequila and make a whole line of it yourselves. You'll harvest it, put your name on it and be recognized by peers in the industry. You'll end up not just drinking and enjoying the tequila but be in it's whole process as well!

You'll be drinking lots of it.. and make memories of how your trip in this land that started it all... and probably forget it the next day.

It's not just a bar-tending competition, it's a lifestyle, it's not just technical skills, but you have to have that pizazz, that quality of spirit, bartenders that bring the personality of Cuervo to the front and show it to the world!

Make sure you visit as it starts tomorrow, and it's going to be BIG!

As for the others, just continue to drink more and recommend those favorite bartenders of yours to join. It's that simple.



For more information about their artists:
cuervo pilipinas
Cuervo Pilipinas
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Arghh! I Found GOLD in the Philippines! Captain Morgan That Is!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do you have fun when it's Wednesday?! I don't know really so this one was kind of an eye opener for me. I haven't met someone who would go the extra mile to get you to have some fun... I found this in an island...

It must have been abandoned by a pirate or something. I'm not so sure. I was still looking for the party when he suddenly appeared!

He was about 6'3 towering over all of us... quite a presence and you know what he did? He asked us to open the treasure chest and out comes this!

Yes ladies and germs! It's Captain Morgan! Captain Morgan himself ordered us to have some FUN! And that's what I plan to do on a Wednesday night... this night has just gotten better!

Then she got me some... now that looks like I'm going to have some FUN!

Honestly, I haven't heard of Captain Morgan... Nor have I ever tasted it yet... So you probably can call me a VIRGIN with this Original Spiced Rum!

So I grabbed a bottle of Captain Morgan... grabbed a glass... and got to taste this awesome party starter!

And oh boy did we party hard at that table! Now that is how you make yourself happy on Wednesdays!

And shiver me timbers I've found some beautiful people too!


Now isn't that quite a nice way of spending the night?! Isn't that a ton and a half of FUN? That's exactly why you should get CAPTAIN MORGAN the Original Spiced Rum! Arguably the newest, freshest bottle you can find at your local winery and stores! There's a bit of a knack in finding one that's smooth and NO HANGOVERS the next day... I'm notorious in getting that but after this party, it was all good! I love being a pirate for one night! I'm really looking forward to more!

Now it's your turn to find that treasure chest and get some fun over a bottle or more of CAPTAIN MORGAN Original Spiced Rum!


For more information on where you can get more of that CAPTAIN MORGAN Experience

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