Showing posts with label analytics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label analytics. Show all posts

Smart Enterprise Launches Workforce Solutions!

Friday, June 26, 2015

In big ceremonies at the posh Valkyrie Club in BGC, Smart Enterprise under Smart the country's biggest network just unveiled their best workforce solutions so they could help SME's and even big businesses thrive in today's economy. Regardless of size, businesses need to be more efficient so they would be able to keep costs low while attending to their customers needs. Smart Enterprise has now brought out workforce solutions so they could meet the demands of their businesses. They have solutions so business owners would be able to generate big data, convert them into understandable and value driven statistics that could help them plan ahead and make their business grow.

This is where their solutions come in, the Smart Store Manager, Smart Pharma, Smart Sales Manager and Smart Service Manager. These services run on trusted and stable PLDT and Smart network so you're sure to get the best and reliable connection when you need it. The Smart Store Manager can be utilized on inventories for warehouses or offices. You can also use well designed apps so merchandising would be a cinch. The Smart Pharma Solution can be used by Med Reps and their operational supervisors so can individually track performance, sales and other location based services needed for the job. You also have the option to classify per area, per medication and find their whereabouts since people in this industry are out in the field. You can measure their productivity wherever they are in the metro.

The Smart Sales Manager on the other hand is pretty good for CRM so you can give real time, efficient data so you can really take on your customers on a personal level, a trait that can make you above and beyond your competitors. The Smart Service Manager on the other hand can get you app based information dependent analytics plus schedule employee tasks. This will make your workforce efficient and increase productivity in all segments.

Ms Katrina Luna Abelarde says "The Philippines has about 45% of its people connected and more in the coming years. We are the social media capital of the world and we live in a now society where everything happens in real time. The only way to keep up is through good investment, not only here but around the world. The time is now!"

You don't have to spend on hardware just to get results, just the right amount of innovative products can get you that competitive edge you need to take your business higher. Mobile and digital technology, the right platform can get you results so you can lower costs and have more revenue. You can venture forward with Smart!

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IBM: 75Years of Innovation in the Philippines!

Monday, July 23, 2012


IBM Philippines just celebrated their 75th Anniversary in this country. As much as it looks so overwhelmingly stamped its ground in the Philippines, they still probably think its still in its infancy. I was reminded more of what huge contributions they have made in the last few years despite of the hardships they also as a corporation have encountered. They have evolved from being a hardware vendor to a full circle serviced corporation able to integrate processes here and around the globe. They now are one of the stalwarts of off shore operations for IBM and one of the few recognized countries that would be essential for the growth of this multinational corporation. President and Country General Manager Mariels Almeda-Winhoffer said that this has been the challenge for her, she wants IBM Philippines to become ESSENTIAL. That word alone entails a lot of things and responsibilities and a private corporation like IBM Philippines wants to take this challenge. In undertaking this humongous task, I'd gladly laud them for even thinking of it.

IBM Philippines portfolio has grown tremendously. With 50 accounts and more to come in bpo, supply and shared services, it was not surprising seeing their numbers grow. Their goal was to always follow their dreams of building more smarter cities, gain ideal geo expansions, utilize cloud and its convenient advantages, plus utilize analytics to predict/gain reliable data.The first female IBM President and Country General Manager Mariels Almeda-Winhoffer says her arrival to the Philippines made her have a different purpose; to become an essential part of the country/the community/ and their customers. Actually she said the whole business model was made to support this goal. Aside from that, they did not forget their duty to society. Their Kidsmart project alone benefited almost 800,000 kids, institutions, students and professors. They have also put importance in integrated health services in the Philippines as this has also been the center of attention of IBM globally. IBM Philippines is now a proud services and software company that's going to have sustainable growth in the next few years. They will continue providing solutions via integration. That is actually their next step, and they are adding more for their long term goals.


It was a treat visiting them on their turf, let alone on a day where they celebrate their 75th year. They even had a small part of the intros explaining the Filipino work ethics and customs. It was nice to see it in that perspective. I hardly ask questions but while everyone was at the heat of the moment, I remembered the part about IBM and the problems they had with GSIS. I was worried that they painted a pretty picture here but still had that issue with the records of that government agency. As soon as I asked, everyone jumped in and said that it has been resolved. They released a statement here years ago. I was wondering what happened to that because I personally saw my Mom go through hell in GSIS. Saw an article here saying there were settlements being done during the new administration. In any case, they assured me they've got that settled already. Mom should be happy.

Today they've got a few projects with local cities like Davao. Their Public Safety and Security Command Center is being scaled up on a one of a kind initiative to make this one of their Smart Cities. The IBM Intelligent Operations Center solutions will create advanced technological solutions to existing infrastructure to improve the overall city management which will further lower crime rates in Davao. They will also be using analytics on parts of this very promising projects. Pretty soon they'll be using the same technique to other ones but this is a definite first in the world! I'm sure this wouldn't be the last of it!

This has always been IBM Philippines thrust; which is transformation through innovation. They've already made a great head start in more cities in the Philippines; and this will surely be something to be shared to the rest of the world. The Philippines is indeed essential to IBM's growth today and for years to come. Congratulations on continuing to grow together; with the people and communities you've helped along the way. Thank you for being a part of a bigger, better Philippines!


IBM: On Smarter Financial Decisions and Analytics

Monday, July 16, 2012

 Mr David Parmenter and Patrizio Calitri
It is a complex and difficult world to actually tackle yet it is VERY essential to a company's operations. Now that the country is bullish and the economy has got recent upgrades from financial entities, it is time to take care of it and analyze risks - whilst doing the legwork on future-perfect goals for your brand.

The Chief Financial Officer is now more than ever important to hone the landscape of the Philippine organizations and the economy. Each corp's capability to adapt and plan ahead sparks so many opportunities to earn and learn. We were invited a few days ago over lunch and a media briefing about the IBM Finance Forum where kiwi based best selling author and consultant David Parmenter and IBM's own Business Unit Executive Patrizio Calitri talked about key performance indexes and how to make smarter financial decisions through the application of analytics.

IBM Smarter Analytics offer several solutions that can help manage events, gather insights so you can outperform the competition. Managers these days somehow have common functions as CFO's and if you think about it they are naturally the end persons to implement whatever the executive decides upon. IBM Analytics was designed to increase collaborations and simply make such system work with each other faster and easier. It follows 3 particular elements namely time, control and confidence so it could add value in an organization. It might look too simple but if you perfect these functions well upon first salvo then you'll have better chances to achieve the goal of making your whole organization work together. This was one of the points raised by Patrizio Calitri early on who's not new to IBM's business analytics.  

Having your people work with these tools would make them consolidate elements of your corporation very quickly. It's one of the ways how technology is used at an advantage to create a more adaptive way of planning which is important to any entity. In exemplar, we probably are used to having all our plans set for the fiscal year when budgets are planned and given a set amount of things that you plan to do the whole duration. The things is, these things change and if you do not have it on your plans then you'll end up like a duck with its head chopped off. Pardon the comparison but I have seen this happen to the biggest corporations. If you implement something set on a fiscal year, you'll be on constraints with money, manpower and you wouldn't be able to delegate it on other entities in your structure because they probably have the same allotted limitations. Corporations should try and practice "adapting"; like making a quarterly or monthly plan that can change with the time. In this sense, you would easily make headway automating processes, increase your organizations agility if change is needed and make it better for everyone to gain new insight. You need this to simply plan ahead for your business. It is important to achieve analytical insight so you can paint the whole picture. Having something like performance narrative gives a clear structure to the organization and this way you can gain consensus on a plan and execute. This goes the same with your on going reports and analysis since it applies to that as well.The process entails gathering of financial and performance data of your manpower, having the right disclosures, the capability to review, edit, approve and certify, so you can easily publish the data to shareholders and regulators alike. Admittedly we spend close to 77% of our operations in manual preparation of reports so making errors are quite expected. IBM Analytics knows how to handle this and make you start to reduce risks of error via automation through software, minimize insider leaks and eliminate late filings of reports.

They use IBM Cognos TM1 Software which can produce on-demand enterprise planning software for budgeting, forecasting and data analysis. They can design this to work in various ways that would be applicable for you and your business. IBM makes sure your analytics goes personal because this tool is configurable. It's capability to adapt to the set data and have it produce customized results would make your business better understand the things to analyze. You'll have the power to produce rapid development and deployment of flexible products, including profitability data essential for your business' growth. It's so cool to have IBM share this opportunities to the Philippines; congratulations on your 75th year of operations in our country!

David Parmenter dubbed as the "King of KPI's" also discussed a bit about how important it is to measure, monitor and change performance. He also dispels myths about having these numbers depict performance related bonuses and in turn have people do well at work. There is no truth that this apparently works and there are certain flaws in this methodology. We've seen this happen most of the time in our own backyards and yet to find something that would exactly work for our businesses in general. KPI's should be measured 24/7 he laments and should be non financial in nature. It was so astounding to have a great mind tell that particular fact because I felt we were doing these things at work now. There should probably be a change in culture and how we do things to measure this. We would love to expound on this soon. You can take a look at his great work over at and it'll change the way you see these numbers. It made me realize a couple of things and I'd probably implement one or more changes for the people I manage where I work. It was a pleasure meeting someone so gifted as he is. We definitely learned a lot and we'll have this information utilized in IBM's goal of a smarter Philippines and a smarter planet!

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