Showing posts with label angelo reyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angelo reyes. Show all posts

Angelo Reyes March 17, 1945 – February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I was shocked to say the least. Former Energy Secretary General Angelo Reyes committed suicide in the front of his mother's grave (via gunning himself down from a .45 caliber pistol). There must be a lot of things surrounding this event but if you think about it the pressure of being in the midst of controversy is the main cause of this. Honor has never been existent in this country of corrupt officials but look at what he did after getting his name marred in the AFP brouhaha. Rabusa the former AFP budget officer was also saddened about this even after exposing this system of money laundering in the defense department. It's so sad but after all these things there will still be a Senate and Congressional probe about the send off money they received to the amount of 50 million pesos. They apparently will still never forget about Reyes' wife too that had 41 trips outside of the country paid for by the peoples money.

I am sad because I knew him as my Dad's batchmate. He always attended their great activities. He was a decorated man and a civic leader. He chose to keep silent after all that because his reputation is being damaged, but Trillanes said otherwise and mentioned he had no reputation to damage anymore. He ain't sorry too for saying that. For what its worth I am still sorry for Angelo Reyes. May he rest in peace!

*image from Wikipedia


LPG Supply Just Got Back to Normal Says DOE

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Uyyy SYOTA! joke!

The Department of Energy just release news that liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) just got back to normal levels yesterday. Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes said this to President Arroyo in a cabinet meeting yesterday.

The former defense secretary Reyes said that there is now an existing supply of LPG particularly from Liquigaz which is the largest importer of LPG in the country today.The President earlier has tasked the Department of Energy to work with the Department of Trade and Industry, Interior and Local Government, Philippine National Police and National Bureau of Investigation to catch LPG suppliers that are in connivance on illegal refilling, under refilling, hoarding and those who use dilapidated tanks. The President also had issued directives to file cases against these individuals together with about 100 cases that have been sleeping in the Justice Department. That's what they say but the LPG retailers say otherwise that things are back to normal. This I think is plain damage control because as far as the Mothers in this country are concerned the prices of Cooking gas tanks are still way high and very seldom seen in the stations across Manila and elsewhere in the Philippines.


New Price Rollback for January 2009

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Uyyy...Ang sweet! Hahaha!

Good news for everyone! The Department of Energy is expecting a major rollback in prices of diesel and gasoline this January. This has been the expected outcome since the prices of oil has not risen significantly in the last few months of 2008. Prices are still too high as to what is computed as fair in the 3 big oil companies.

Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes formally contradicted newbie local oil player Flying V that there would not be a rollback this month because the trend of oil prices is going up in the world market and they have already given the discounts as early as December of last year. They are also warning the public that the oil prices will continue to gain momentum and raise a few dollars more in the coming months. Reyes defended this stand stating that the prices of crude oil in the US was higher even in November which justifies the expected rollback for this month. If it's not given what's due, then an investigation will push through for these private companies he stated.

I just hope he does what he says. ^_^
